chapter 15

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I could feel the pain arose in my body as I  woke up ,it was strong enough to make me hiss in pain it was as if I was being jabed and the pain was sharp enough to push me back in bed with my eyes closed

I heard the Door open and there came the man who caused me all the pain and all that pain made me so happy not I could  remember how last night i screamed and yelled Nothing but his name , all the memories brought heat to my face as I could feel it all

He was by my  side with his hands around my neck "does it hurt little angel,?" He asked in his little soft tone as he creases my head "a little " I replied looking at his face to find him staring me I couldn't understand why but the butterflies in my stomach made me go crazy it all happened so quickly that I didn't even notice when my face was in between his palms and he was moving closer as his soft lips touched mine and the world stopped time was frozen and nothing matters except for him and me together

"Just like it should be , a little pure innocence angel in the arms of an evil devil,  they fit perfectly and so do we , don't matter if they aren't meant to be together but you are meant to be mine" he said as he looked at me with that soft gaze

I feel as if nothing in the world now mattered, "heaven discriminates and he'll disapproves where shall we go then, shall we hide all of our lives"  I asked as he slowly saw down pulling me over his lap  "who said we ever have to hide when all we can do is live and love with the world at our feet that's why we were ever on earth , to wear the same crown "

Time passes and we get done with our lunch and soon the day ends with me again in his bed in his arms closing my eyes to how everything could never get any better

My eyes slowly closed as I remembered the days events , we didn't have training today so we had spent the while day hanging around , visiting the  park and we even had ice cream together we walked to side and had a good chat with pedris hands around my back and he fed me some ice cream and I fed him mine too , it ended so well it was simple yet memorable . I was so tired that I didn't even realize when I slept

The next morning ~

I could feel shaky hands around me as pedri called My name and woke me up as my eyes opened I could see a fearful pedri  "what's wrong pedri?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes he looked at me and then slides his phone in my direction

It was an instagram page which had pictures of us , well there are a lot of fan accounts on instagram but this one was different, it showcased pictures of us from the park .we were so lost that we never realized that  we were being watched.  Pictures of us holding hands feeding ice cream to each other and  even the little peak that pedri gave me on my cheeks was being clicked and posted on social media

My heart felt heavy and all of a sudden it was all cold around me I couldn't understand what next could we do to make things work 

Our phones were bursting with calls texts and notifications form our social media,  it was as if we were accountable to the whole world and we never committed a crime

Xavis calls were constantly ringing up , pedri silently picked his call and walked out of the room without a word

He returned a few minutes later with a expression more calm than before "get dressed fancy baby we will be leaving In a few minuts"

"Whrere and why, we need to figure this whole situation what about that" I asked him hastily he came closer and held my face in his palms, "do not worry little angel it's gona be all good now just get dressed real quick ok?" He said to me as he slowly kissed the tip of my nose and  walked out and I did as he had asked me to

2 hours later~

My feat was shaking as I sat on the chair in conference room of barca with a huge crowd around us with their camers and their questions

We soon began questions were thrown at our faces , some who were extremely rude and disrespectful some so uncomfortable and some were simply unexpected yet our entire team and our coach with our president  was  there to support us

"Pablo and I have been together since the beginning of this year. As many of you have already read, we’ve struggled everyday with what this means for our families,  and our futures. And while neither of us is naive about what it means to be public figures, we never imagined our most private and intimate thoughts, fears and truths would become fodder for public examination.

What was taken from us this week was our right to determine for ourselves how and when we should share our relationship and queer identities with the world.

The truth is every queer person has the right to come out on their own terms, and on their own timeline. They also have the right to choose not to come out at all. The forced conformity of the closet can not be answered with the forced conformity in coming out of it."

Pedri spoke As he caught a held if of hand looking at me and smiling , as he finished I could hear the crowd clap their hands and My  eyes had tears how much could I have ever asked for
We got up and started walking out with our hands intact smile at each other and I felt a million butterflies in My stomach

Walking out of the hall i never had thought life could get any better, Jacob destroyed me but pedri made me a new person, life threw enough at us and we tackled it ,just before I could think any further I felt the feeling of being kissed as his hands were around my waist and mine are his neck ,

"I love you,  my little angel "

"I love you more my devil "

Life was changed and I am glad it did


The speech by pedri is not written by me it's from the movie red white and royal blue,  I really liked it and hence added it here

Well that was the last chapter,  the story ends here thank you all for the beautiful support .itsDaniel_fb and special thanks to you for always supporting my work☁️💗🌷✨️

I would soon write a book of one shots for gavi and pedri 

Thank you all!

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