chapter 6

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(2 weeks later)
Today was a day I was not looking forward to it was a stressful one,
My limbs felt so tired and my head felt heavy

Training was a tough job today it was not an easy task as it usually was , but my thoughts lingered at only one place,  pablo had not been attending Training since 2 weeks although he had  informed xavi about him being absent yet it worried me

Third person'~

As pedris as in the locker room going thought his bag he heard the Door open although at first he didn't pay attention he soon recognized the aura he looked up to find pablo walking in , his face pale and thin as if dried up his bones were visible and it seemed like he had lost a lot of weight , heavy dark circles clouded his eyes

As he looked at pedri he smiled a faint smile , "morning " he greatly said "morning pablo,  where have you been?" Pedri questioned

" I actually had my exams and I was pretty busy with those" he lied , although during this duration pablo had received a lot of texts and calls from his team mates he never replied to anyone

Time slowly went by pablo greeted every one and returned back to training  although it was really difficult for him as he was not present for so many days and the pain both physically and mentally made it more difficult for him

As he was working his way through the training session ansu in a friendly manner slapped his shoulder as the did so pablo hissed in pain as it was the same area where the cigarette had burned him the gasp was loud enough to divert everyone around and look at his "pablo are you already did I hit you so hand am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt u dude " ansu quickly apologized for his actions  

"Nahh it's not your fault am always it's just that I was a little shocked that's all" pablo said as an excuse to avoid the topic  everyone around then and he him self got back to their respective places

Xavi entered the field to announce the wrap up for the day  everyone started moving towards the locker room but as pablo was entering in he was stopped by xavi to ensure about his academic life and healt conditions.....the conversation went long enough for everyone eles and xavi himself to leave only pablo was there ...or that is what he thought

As the boy was in the locker room and lifted up his shirt he heard the opening of the door , he was quick enough to put his shirt back and look around to find pablo with an almost open mouth  the older boy stated into the youngers eyes as if they were an ocean he would want to drown in

"Pablo...." pedri aside with his eyes wide open as he entered the room he walked his way towards pablo as he slowly stood in front of the younger boy he caught a firm grip around his shirt to lift it up slowly   "pp...p..pedrii...what ...a..are doing " pablo asked as his sodt voice cracked and tears gathered in his eyes , he knew what was going to happen and he couldn't stop pedri with the was he had a solid grip around his he was to scared to to anything

As pablo was standing with his upper body all bare   showcasing  his wounded and burned body he was all I'm tears and couldn't stop sobbing,  the marks were clear enough for Pedri to male out that they were hurt marks and someone was hurting the little boy

"Who?" That was all pedri asked his eyes were full of worry for the little boy pedri was obviously smart and old enough to understand what was happening to him

The next second pablo was in pedris arms crying and sobbing pedri was shocked enough and moved his hands around pablo to hug him je slowly studied his body and looked around to find burned marks of cigarettes his eyes widen with shock

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