chapter 12

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Several weeks had passed it was like a blink at the eyes and things felt so different So pure so beautiful so positive and sometimes it felt it never existed. To the world Their friendship was unbreakable and the most beautiful thing on earth and so was what they showed but their hearts knew nothing everytime they saw each their hearts almost felt as if Gina pop out and the butterflies in their stomach was a whole new chapter,  but since the past week things didn't seem to go ok like they usually would since they won la Liga it seemed like pedri  was running away from pablo as much as it hurt  him he continued ignoring him , for the fear still ran down his nerves the fear he lived with ,  something he wanted to get rid of yet his dark past marked him

Everything came to an end eventually but not gavi and pedris dispute although gavi tried but nothing had seemed to change  it would hurt him how a few months back pedri called him his best friend and now things had changed that he hated it  although now he was done with this and decided to approach pedri and make things good in them

Ss pedri sat alone in the locker room gavi entered slowly  looking around to find no one he entered slowly and made slow movements toward pedri as he was close enough he stood still  and looked down at him with empty eyes

As pedri looked at him , he pauses and raised his voice "anything wrong pablo?" He asked as if he was not aware of anything happening around him  "it should be me who should ask this question pedri, what is wrong with you?"

Pablo's words came out tensed  as of he would cry any given second he looked around again and then again at pedri waiting for an answer
" what do you even mean " pedri questioned him back   "what's wrong like seriously? Everything is you ignoring me don't talk to me  like you use to you said we were best friends is this how best friends treat each other  huh what's your problem?" Pablo was in rage this time with his blood boiling for his desired answers

"You wana know what the problem is so hear me out's you whoes the problem...." as the sentence left pedri mouth Pablo's eyes started tearing up as if they were bound to flow . "We can't continue this as we were, we shouldn't be friends that's all"  as pedri went on pablo kept his tears to himself  "w..why" pablo asked with the courage of a lifetime the word carried a million emotions wicked and dead

"Because this stupid heart of mine Is falling for you and I don't wana repeat the same mistakes again " pedri said as low as a whisper

As pablo heard this he couldn't help but move closer to him tring to hold his hand

"Don't! " pedri exclaimed  " you better don't try to comfort me or something I am aware you don't share the same feelings so better don't try to make things better "

" me pedri" pablo said as his voice broke apart... pedri let a bitter laugh as he looked at the boy at his mercy

" you think this is a easy game or something Pablo's? " pedri moved closer to him and slowly moved his hands over his jaw tracing the line slowly  "I am surely not what you think darling  my love won't go easy what do you think I would do to you huh , talk sweet nothing,  kiss you or make love to you,? That is nothing to the kind of love I share darling,  I would talk nasty to you eat you hot and fuck your brains out  and would do the most dirty to you that you would never imagine  that's what I am my dark would destroy you and damage you , so my little angel you better keep away cause this devil might just  cage you and never let you escape "

All of pedris words burned Pablo's skin he didn't think before he answered "then maybe I wana be caged , if it means staying with you , I am tired of the daylight let me in your dark and be out of the word's sight, of being destroyed means something so good then I'll rather be destroyed " he said with soft tears in his eyes

"Your playing with fire my darling, you'll burn yourself " pedri said

"The cild is freezing me either ways" he replied
With a soft laugh pedri said "don't blame me after that I didn't warn you" those were his last words before his lips crashed on to the boy before him , pedri enjoyed what he was tasting soft plump sweet and so kissable as I'd he would go on for hours,  their lips moved In a sink like a melody so beautiful and pure it was simply unbreakable , sloppy lips and toungs fighting for dominance while Pablo's hands went o er to pedris hair and pedris to his wrist with the lack of air they went apart

Pedri help his face in his hands eyes all tears and face with red lips marked it pretty "there is no escape now little angel "

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