Jimin: Pneumonia

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Jimin had been feeling off for a few days, but he kept quiet about it since he didn't wanted to worry the members. He thought he could push through it and continue with their busy schedule, but his body had other plans.

One morning, Jimin woke up feeling worse than ever. His head was pounding, his throat was sore, and his body ached all over. He tried to get out of bed, but he immediately felt dizzy and had to sit back down.

Taehyung noticed that Jimin wasn't feeling well and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Jimin forced a smile and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired."

Jungkook overheard and said, "Hyung, you don't look fine. Are you sure you're okay?"

Jimin shook his head, "I don't know. I feel really sick."

Jin, who was making breakfast, heard the commotion and came over to see what was going on. He took one look at Jimin and knew that he needed to rest.

"Jiminie, you need to stay in bed today. I'll bring you some soup and medicine," Jin said, placing a hand on Jimin's forehead to check for a fever.

Sure enough, Jimin's temperature was high, and he was shivering despite the warmth of the blankets. The members could see that Jimin was really sick, and they all wanted to help him feel better.

J-Hope suggested, "Why don't we cancel today's schedule and take care of Jimin? He needs rest, and we can catch up on some much-needed sleep too."

Namjoon agreed, "Yeah, we can reschedule the interviews and postpone the recording for tomorrow. Jimin's health is more important right now."

Jimin protested weakly, "But what about the fans and our staff? They've been waiting for us."

Suga assured him, "We'll make it up to them, but you need to take care of yourself first."

The members spent the day taking care of Jimin. Jin made him chicken noodle soup and gave him medicine, while Taehyung and Jungkook kept him company. J-Hope, Namjoon and Suga helped clean up the dorm and did the laundry, taking turns to check on Jimin and bring him water and snacks.

As the day went on, Jimin started to feel a little better. His fever went down, and he was able to eat some food without feeling nauseous. He was grateful for his members' care and attention, and he realized how lucky he was to have such supportive friends.

Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, Jimin woke up feeling poorly. He sat up and realized that he was covered in sweat, and his head was pounding again. He stumbled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, feeling dizzy and weak.

Jin, who had been sleeping in the room next door, heard Jimin's groans and rushed to his side. He found Jimin on the bathroom floor, pale and shaking.

"Jiminie, what happened? Are you okay?" Jin asked, helping Jimin sit up.

Jimin said weakly, "I don't know. I feel really sick again."

Jin helped Jimin back to bed and checked his temperature. It had spiked again, Jin called the other members and told them what was happening, and they all rushed to Jimin's side.

As the night progressed, monitoring his fever and making sure he was comfortable. Taehyung and Jungkook offered to take turns keeping watch so that the others could rest, but no one wanted to leave Jimin's side.

As the hours passed, Jimin's condition worsened. His breathing became shallow, and his body was wracked with shivers. The members were becoming increasingly worried, but they tried to stay calm and keep Jimin comfortable.

Jin checked Jimin's temperature again and frowned. "His fever's not going down. We need to get him to a hospital."

Namjoon nodded, "You're right. Let's call for an ambulance."

Within minutes, the ambulance arrived, and the members accompanied Jimin to the hospital. The journey was tense and quiet, with each member lost in their own thoughts, praying that Jimin would be okay.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jimin was rushed to the emergency room, and the members were told to wait outside. They paced back and forth, anxiously waiting for news.

After what felt like hours, a doctor came out to speak with them. "Jimin has a severe case of pneumonia. We're admitting him to the ICU, and we'll be keeping him here for a few days. He's stable for now, but we'll need to monitor him closely."

The members were shocked. They had no idea that Jimin's condition was so serious. They huddled together, comforting each other and trying to process the news.

Taehyung spoke up, "We should call thr manager and let him know what's going on."

Namjoon nodded, "I'll make the call."

The next few days were a blur for the members. They took turns visiting Jimin in the hospital, bringing him flowers and gifts to cheer him up. They stayed by his side, talking to him and holding his hand, even though he was mostly unconscious.

Finally, after five long days, Jimin started to improve. His fever broke, and he was able to breathe on his own again. The members were overjoyed, and they threw a small party in Jimin's hospital room to celebrate his recovery.

Jin exclaimed, "Jiminie, you scared us all! We were so worried about you."

Jimin smiled weakly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you all."

Namjoon added, "Don't apologize baby. We're just glad that you're okay."

The members stayed with Jimin until visiting hours were over, promising to come back the next day. As they left the hospital, they all hugged each other tightly, grateful for each other's company and support.

Jimin's recovery was slow but steady, and the members continued to take care of him when he was discharged from the hospital. They made sure he had plenty of rest and took care of himself, and they all promised to never take their health or each other for granted again.

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