Jin: Bronchitis

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Jin woke up feeling terrible. His head was pounding, and his throat was sore. He tried to get out of bed, but his body felt weak and heavy. He knew something was wrong, and it didn't feel like a common cold.

He tried to call his manager, but his voice was hoarse and barely audible. He realized he needed help.

Soon enough, Hobi entered his room, and he noticed Seokjin's state immediately. "Hyung, what's wrong?" he asked with concern.

Seokjin tried to explain, but his cough interrupted him. Hobi put a hand on his forehead "HYUNG YOU ARE BURNING!" he gasped. Hobi rushed out of his room quickly to call the other members.

In a minute his room got crowded with the worried stares of his members...more like younger brothers.

"Hyung you okay??" Jungkook said with teary eyes. "I- I am fine Kookie" Jin said with his barely audible hoarse voice.

Hobi arrived with a thermometer and checked Seokjin's temperature. "It's 38.9 degrees," he said,

Jimin quickly rushed out and came in with some herbal tea. "Here, drink this," he said, handing Seokjin the warm cup.

Seokjin sipped the tea, feeling its soothing effects on his throat. However, it didn't take long for his cough to return, and he started to feel worse.

The other members noticed his struggle and tried to help him. Yoongi made him some soup, Taehyung brought him a warm blanket, and Jungkook rubbed his back to help him breathe easier.

As days went by, Seokjin's condition didn't improve. The members were by his side always checking up on him. They could tell that their hyung isn't getting better but whenever they asked Jin to go to the hospital but he always said that he is fine it's only because of the changing weather. Jin didn't wanted to worry them.
He started to feel weak, and his cough was getting worse. He couldn't sleep properly, and he felt exhausted all the time.

One night, he woke up drenched in sweat, feeling like he was suffocating. The other members noticed his distress and immediately called for an ambulance.

Jin was taken to the hospital.

"Hyung is going to be fine right?" Tae said while crying. The maknae line was sobbing hard. The 3/4 members of the hyung line were too scared too death, worried for their oldest brother.. However they couldn't break down because they have to take care of the maknaes.

Soon the doctor came and told them that Jin has a sever case of bronchitis and it had affected his lungs but not to worry as he will get alright.

The last line made them relieved. However they wished that they had forced Jin to visit the hospital earlier.

The doctors put him on medication and oxygen, and he was admitted to the hospital for a few days. The other members visited him every day, bringing him food, books, and just keeping him company.

"Hyung, you look so much better," Jungkook said, smiling, on one of his visits.

Jin smiled weakly. "I still feel terrible, but I'm getting better," he said.

"We're so glad you're getting better," Taehyung added. "We were so worried about you."

Jin felt touched by their concern. "Thank you for taking care of me," he said, tears in his eyes.

"We'll always take care of you, hyung," Jimin said, hugging him tightly.

"Yaaaaaaaaah don't forget I raised you all up! I will always take care of ya'll" Jin said.

"You will take care of them if you will be alright. So first get fit and fine yourself" Namjoon said with a smile.

"Oh right you need to build up your strength because you have to beat someone up." Yoongi said.
By looking at the confusion on Jin's face, Tae said,"Namjoon hyung broke your favourite vase."
Jin gave Namjoon as death glare.
"HOW CAN YOU GUYS BETRAY ME LIKE THAT?!" Namjoon gasped and they all started laughing.

Finally, after a week, Jin was discharged from the hospital. He was still weak, but his condition had improved significantly.

The other members welcomed him, relieved that he was okay.

"I'm sorry for worrying you guys," Jin said, tears in his eyes.

"Don't be sorry, hyung," Jungkook said, smiling. "We're just glad you're okay."

Seokjin smiled back, feeling lucky to have such caring and loving friends. He knew he had a lot to recover from, but he was ready to face it with his brothers by his side.

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