Namjoon: Fever

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A/N: Yeah I am back after a loooooooong time- I am so busy these days- Not because I am doing some work instead spending time with my family hehe. I am still not back at home, will be soon... But then again I have so much work pending- Sigh........ Well  hope you like this 💜

Requested by: Kaisahsparkle

Just a normal day at Bangtan Studio, the members were working hard for their new album. They were so absorbed in their work that they had lost all tracks of sleep, rest and eat. But something was different today. The one who would be most energetic, excited and determined, was seen a little off today.

Namjoon had always been the dependable leader of BTS, but that doesn't mean that he couldn't fall victim to illness. He has been feeling ill since he woke up this morning. However he shook this feeling off and went to the studio. He HATED being sick, well, like most of us, but he felt like he was ditching his responsibilities by giving the excuse of illness.

The others surely took notice of it. They were always careful and attentive towards Namjoon's health, because they knew that he would not tell them if he were sick on his own, and seeing Namjoon's pale face, they were sure that something was wrong with him.

"Joon, you okay?" Yoongi asked, concern lacing his voice. "Ye-yes hyung." Namjoon replied. The others knew that he was lying.

"You don't look well though." Jin said and touched Namjoon's forehead, immediately retrieving his hand and his eyes widened. "Oh God Namjoon you're burning up like a furnace!" Jin yelled.

The others immediately got into action, ready to go back to their home and take care of their leader.

"The hell hyung! Why did you come to the studio if you were this sick!" Jungkook, for the first time, yelled at his hyung. Namjoon was his idol, his father figure, the reason why he joined the group, and now seeing his hyung like this, really hurted him.

"Calm down Kook, it's not the time for us to get mad." Jimin said in a calming voice.

"I- I am fin-fine guys. W-We cannot afford to di-ditch the wo-work." Namjoon said in between coughing.

"It's NOT ditching Kim Namjoon! YOUR HEALTH COMES FIRST!" Jin yelled. This was his other side. No one including Namjoon could afford to mess with Jin's this side. So now Namjoon didn't had any other option but to go with the others.

His condition deteriorated as the reached their home. He vomited a couple of times in the car and his body trembled with fever. His energy was completely drained.

They others were really worried for their leader but they knew that they have to be strong for him.

They quickly brought him to his bed and Yoongi checked his temperature with a thermometer. "It's 102°." He said sadly, the others gasped. "You need to rest Joonie. Leave everything to us. Just get better." With a sad smile he said.

Hobi, the sunshine, quickly brought a warm blanket and wrapped it around their leader. "Oh my soulmate, please get better soon." He said

Jin couldn't bear to see him in such a weakened state. He gently dabbed a damp cloth on his forehead. "Rest well Joon." Jin whispered, "We will be here for you."

The maknaes went to make some soup for Namjoon. They quickly came back and sat by his side. They fed him the soup that they made with love by taking turns.

"A-a little too much black pepper." Namjoon said while laughing.  His heart swelled by seeing all the love the members were showering him with. He vowed to never leave their side and always be the pillar of BTS like always.

"Oh Joon it's not black pepper that you are tasting!" Yoongi said while laughing.

"It's love!" Hobi exclaimed.

"Oh yes It's love!" The maknaes yelled.
Their house got filled with laughter and giggles.

It took a week for him to get back together. Throughout his illness the members were always by his side, taking care of all his needs. He realized that his health matters the most. And only if he is healthy, he can produce the maximum output for Armys. He also realized that even leaders need support.

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