Yoongi: Overworked

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Yoongi had always been a hard worker, but lately, he had taken it to the extreme. He was staying up late every night, pouring over new music and lyrics, and spending countless hours in the studio. It was like he moved out of the Bangtan dorm and shifted to his new home, Genius Lab. He wasn't eating drinking or sleeping properly.

His bandmates and staff had all tried to convince him to take a break, but he was determined to push through and get everything done.

"Min Yoongi, you NEED to take a break," Jin said while standing at the door of the Genius Lab with a food plate at 2AM.

"I'm fine, hyung," Yoongi replied, his voice hoarse and tired. "I just need to finish this last verse."

"But your health is more important than any verse," Jimin jumped in. "You need to take care of yourself."

Yoongi nodded, but still he couldn't convince himself to rest. He felt like he had too much work to do and couldn't afford to sit idle. He was willing to push himself beyond his limits.

As the days passed, Yoongi's exhaustion began to catch up with him. He was sleeping less and less, and his appetite was almost nothing.
He started to feel dizzy and light-headed, and he couldn't seem to concentrate on anything.

One day the members except Yoongi were sitting around a round table in their dorm. It was 8pm but Yoongi was still in his studio.

"It's getting out of our hand now." Namjoon said while resting his head on his palm.

"What can we do! Whenever we ask hyung to rest he always shout at us and send us away." Taehyung said.

"He is getting so weak. But that brat just wouldn't listen to us!" Jin yelled.

"Hyung why are you screaming at us though-" Jungkook whispered only to receive an angry glare from Jin.

"I am going to check on Yoongi hyung." Jimin said. "I am also coming." Hoseok said.

"Yeah good idea, drag Yoongi to here." Jin said and with that Jimin and Hoseok left for Genius Studio.

Once they reached, they put the password of the studio door that was told to them by Jungkook. They wondered how he got the password but didn't questioned it.

When they opened the door, they were startled to see a pale Yoongi unconscious lying on thr floor.

"HYUNG!" Hoseok yelled.

They both rushed to his side. Hearing all this, the staff members crowded the place. One of then quickly called for an ambulance.
Jimin and Hoseok both were crying to see their beloved hyung in this condition.

When the medics were carrying Yoongi towards the ambulance on the stretcher, Hoseok quickly called and informed this to the other members.

When the rest of the Bangtan reached the hospital, they saw Jimin and Hoseok both pacing back and forth with tears in their eyes infront of the emergency.

"G-guys!" Jimin cried.

Jin quickly pulled him into a hug saying that Yoongi is gonna be fine while Taehyung and Jungkook both hugged Hoseok.
While Namjoon was talking with the doctor about Yoongi's condition.

"Hyung is diagnosed with severe exhaustion and dehydration." Namjoon weakly told his bandmates.

"He's going to be okay, right?" Taehyung asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Yes, but he needs to rest," Namjoon replied. "He's been pushing himself too hard for too long."

For the next few days, Yoongi was in and out of consciousness. He was hooked up to IVs. His bandmates being always by his side.

Once he was discharged and got to their dorm, the members were taking care of  him like a new born baby.

"I'm sorry, guys," Yoongi said, as he was being fed by Jungkook. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay," Jungkook replied, "We're glad you're okay."

"From now you will take care of yourself, right?" Hoseok asked to which Yoongi nodded.

"You WILL have to take care of health or else I will have to take some strict actions." Jin said with a commanding voice.

"Hehe sure hyung." Yoongi giggled.

Slowly but surely, Yoongi began to recover. His energy levels returned, and he was able to eat again. The members always checked him if he is eating or resting properly.

Yoongi too understood that he have to take care of his health. He will be able to work only if he is fit and fine. He from then began to prioritize his health and making schedules of the day while keeping his health in his mind.

"I'm proud of you, Yoongi," Namjoon said one day, as they sat together in the studio. "You're doing a great job balancing work and rest."

Yoongi smiled, feeling grateful for his brothers' support.
He got an important lesson that he needed to take better care of himself if he wanted to continue creating music for years and years.


Thank you all for 100 reads!


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