Yoongi: Worst luck

432 23 15

Requested by: Suqa_cubes

TW: Self harm. It didn't happen actually though.

Min Yoongi found himself trapped in a seemingly endless streak of unfortunate events that left him bewildered and frustrated. It was as if the universe had conspired against him, turning even the most mundane actions into a series of misfortunes.

His once steady hands, known for their ability to write and produce beautiful music, now dropped anything and everything that he would touch. Namjoon's phone slipped from his grasp and shattered.

Jin's cherished mirror met a similar fate, And the kitchen plates? Well, they had become an endangered species, disappearing one by one.

Jimin's laptop and Tae's headphone had a different destiny. That was to be submerged in a small puddle of water.

Jungkook's belongings were safe and sound. But he lost the key to access to his most cherished place in their home— The Gym.

And last but not the least, Hobi! Nor did any of his belongings got damaged neither he got restricted from going anywhere. But the reason he was pissed at Yoongi was because he just couldn't get the steps right! No matter how much Hobi tried to teach him, he couldn't get it.

At first the members were a little understanding. But as it continued for days, they were frustrated.

"Not again Yoongi!"

"The steps are so freaking easy even a 5 year old can do it!"

"Don't come near the kitchen from now on!"

"Hyung how can you again lose the new keys of the gym?"

"These were new hyung and you already broke it."

"Please don't touch my things from now on.''

Those words sure pierced his heart. But Yoongi knew that he was at fault and that their grudges are valid. He is determined to fully focus tomorrow and not make any mistakes.


But luck really wasn't on his side. The next morning he when he woke up, the members felt awfully cold towards him. They weren't saying mean words to him.... Honestly for Yoongi it would have been better if they were being rude to him.... But the members acted like he didn't exist.

He was hurt. Ofc he will be hurt. He knew that he cannot blame the members for their frustrations and anger towards him. These small small accidents were really going overboard.
And so he started blaming himself and his luck.

He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He cannot laugh.
It's not on purpose though. He is just not able to do these things. He is not able to get happy. It's been another week and these little accidents continued.
At this point he just wants to get locked in his room forever and never come out. His relationship with the members also didn't changed much. They are only talking to him for important things.

"Yoongi is not eating or sleeping much."

Yes. They all noticed it. They saw how sad and depressed Yoongi is looking. They all noticed how little he is eating day by day.
He has a history of depression. He fought against it and won the battle. But now the members are feeling like they again pushed him towards it.

"Shit! Why why why the hell did we ignored him?!" Jin yelled at himself and the members.

"Everyone has a bad phase once in a while in which everything goes wrong. Why were we not with him?" Jimin sighed.

"I thought that we all will support each other in every situation. What the hell happened to us??" Namjoon said angrily. That anger was mostly towards himself. He blamed himself the most here as he was the leader. He should have been the pillar of the group which held everyone united.
The rest of the members consoled Namjoon and decided to let Jin go to him first. They thought that if they all reach to him at once, he may feel overwhelmed.

Jin got to Yoongi's room and slowly opened the door. But what he saw made him shiver with fear.

Yoongi was just staring at a blade with no emotions.
Jin quickly jumped for action and snatched the blade from his hand.

Yoongi looked at him with shock.

"What were you thinking to do?? Please please please not the thing which I am thinking right now. Yoongi we are really sorry. Really really sorry. Please forgive us. We let you down. I don't know why we ignored you. We are a family. We are brothers. We all love each other immensely. Baby please just forgive us. Everyone make mistakes. Yes they do! And we should have been understanding bait- but-" Jin cried.

Yoongi got up, and hugged him tightly. "I really wasn't planning to do the thing you were thinking about. I just- I will be honest with you that these days I am remembering a lot about my past. I got lost in my past upon seeing that blade. Hyung. Please scold me but never ignore me. It really hurts. I will do my best from now on but plea-" Jin shushed him and said "Shut up baby. It wasn't your fault. It was ours. We were too harsh. Please forgive us. Please?"


"Y'all are forgiven" Yoongi said with a faint smile.


After a good heartfelt discussion, they came out and met the distressed members.
They felt relieved after seeing a faint smile on his face.
They all apologized to Yoongi and ofcourse he accepted the apologies.
They knew that it will take some time to get the old Yoongi back, but they are determined to do whatever to bring the old Yoongi back.


A/N: I am alive. Yea- Sorru it took me sooooo long- and sorry if this chapter is not upto your liking.

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