Namjoon: Nightmare

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Requested by: Kaisahsparkle

Namjoon woke up panting and sweating. His heart was pounding in his chest as he struggled to catch his breath. He had just had the worst nightmare of his life.

In Namjoon's nightmare, he found himself in a dark forest. The trees huge, and the ground was littered with fallen leaves and broken branches. As he walked deeper into the woods, he began to feel like something was watching him.

Suddenly, a monstrous creature appeared in front of him. It was covered in thick, black fur, and its eyes glowed red in the darkness. The creature was huge, towering over Namjoon.

Namjoon tried to run, but his legs felt like they were stuck in mud. The creature slowly advanced towards him, its eyes locked on him. Namjoon could hear its heavy breathing, and he knew that it was about to attack.

Just as the creature was about to pounce, Namjoon woke up, drenched in sweat and trembling with fear. The nightmare was so terrifying that he couldn't shake the feeling that the creature was real and out to get him.

The image of the monster stayed with him, haunting him even when he was awake. Namjoon couldn't stop thinking about it.

For the next few days, Namjoon couldn't stop thinking about it. He was scared that it would become true, that the creature in his dream was a warning of something terrible to come. He stopped eating and coming out of his room. Even during dance practices, he wouldn't talk, lost in his own thoughts.

The other members of BTS were getting increasingly worried about Namjoon's health. He looked pale and weak, and they could see that something was clearly wrong.

This continued for 3 weeks until the rest of the members decided to do something.
The 6 guys were sitting on the couch while Namjoon again was in his room.

"What is bothering hyung?" Jungkook asked the members but no one had the answer to his question.

"We all are too thinking about this Kook." Jimin said and the rest of the members sighed.

"We have to talk to him." Yoongi said.

"But he keeps pushing us away." Taehyung whined.

"But we just can't ignore this! We have to do something before this gets out of control." Hoseok said, voice filled with concern for their leader.

"Let's go to his room." Jin said and stood up to go tk Namjoon's room while the others followed him.

When the opener the door, they saw a their leader lost, looking at the white wall infront of him while sitting on the bed.

"Namjoon, what's going on?" Jin asked, his voice with with concern. "You haven't been yourself lately. Is something bothering you?"

Namjoon hesitated, not sure if he was ready to share his nightmare with the others. But as he looked around at his worried friends, he knew he had to open up.

"I had a really scary nightmare a few weeks ago," he admitted. "And I can't stop thinking about it. I'm scared that it's going to come true."

The other members of BTS listened carefully as Namjoon recited his nightmare. When he finished, there was a heavy silence in the room.

"That sounds terrifying," Jimin said, breaking the silence. "But it was just a dream, Namjoon. It's not real."

Namjoon nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just a dream.

"Joon, we're all here for you," Hoseok said. "We're going to help you get through this."

The members of BTS suggested ways to help Namjoon overcome his fear. They suggested going on a hike, meditating, watching a comedy, and even seeking professional help. In the end, they decided to try all of these things.

On the day of the hike, Namjoon was still feeling uneasy. But as they walked through the forest, he started to relax. The fresh air and exercise helped clear his mind, and he began to feel more like himself.

During the meditation session, Namjoon found himself feeling more relaxed and calm than he had in weeks. The other members just pretended to be meditating, their whole focus was on their leader.

"I feel like I can breathe again," Namjoon said, opening his eyes after the session ended.

As they watched the comedy, Namjoon found himself laughing along with the others. He had forgotten how good it felt to let go and just have fun.

In the end, the experience brought the members of BTS even closer together. Namjoon knew that he had a group of friends who would always be there to support him, no matter what.

"Thanks for being there for me, guys," Namjoon said, smiling at his bandmates. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"We'll always be here for you, Namjoon," Yoongi said. "No matter what." Jin finished his sentence.

"YES! NO MATTER WHAT!" The other members exclaimed happily.

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