Taehyung: Low BP

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Requested by:-  fairyxkth

Kim Taehyung had always been one of the most energetic members of the group. His infectious boxy smile was capable of brightening anyone's day. But ones energy is not permanent right?

One day he woke up feeling really weak and dizzy. When he saw his face in the bathroom mirror, he was shocked at how pale he looked. He heard Jungkook calling him to get ready to go to the dance studio for the rehearsal. He quickly reached for his makeup bag and applied foundation, successfully hiding his pale complexion.

They were on a really strict schedule. They got no time to rest. Balancing rehearsals, MV shooting, Photoshoots, interviews and shooting for RUN BTS– Yes they all were exhausted. Jimin is continuing this with his chronic muscle pain, Namjoon did an interview with a sore throat, Yoongi rehearsaled with his shoulder pain, Jin and Jungkook shooted for Run BTS while having fever and Hoseok even fainted a couple of times.

Tae didn't wanted to burden his members with his sickness. That's why he decided to hide his condition.
With a sigh Tae left his room and went to their car, ready to leave for the dance studio.

In the car the members however surely sensed that something was wrong with their beloved brother. The once full of enthusiasm Tae, was suddenly quite. They asked him if he was okay, but Tae's only reply was "I am perfectly fine."

As the day wore on, his health started deteriorating quickly. He couldn't focus on the choreo. His vision started getting blurry, he started feeling nauseous, his breathing got uneven. Suddenly black dots filled his vision and he collapsed.

The members noticed it, but before they could approach him, Tae fainted and fell down on the floor.

"TAE!" Jin shouted.

"Someone call the ambulance!." Yoongi said while trying to he as calm as possible.

"O-on it hyung." Jimin whispered, tears streaming down his face from seeing his soulmate's condition.

They quickly rushed Tae to the hospital. No one exchanged a single word in the process. They soon found themselves standing infront of the emergency.
Some were crying, while some were trying hard not to cry to take care of those who were crying.

"His blood pressure was dangerously low but the good this is that we managed to stabilize him. He needs to be admitted in the for 3-5 days depending on his recovery. However even after discharging, he would need to rest for 2 weeks." The doctor said.
The others were relieved by the statement that their brother is going to be alright but also sad after hearing his condition.

They were determined to do everything for his recovery.

The road to recovery was slow but steady. He got discharged on the 4th day. Their schedule got postponed due to this, he was a little sad by this but the members assured him that his health matters the most.
Once Tae made a grave mistake by joking that it was good that he got sick and because of him they got a break from their schedule. But then he immediately regretted his words as soon as Jin started rapping about how irresponsible he was of his health and how scared they were. Sigh

The members were treating him like he is made up of glass that could shatter at any time. Well he sure felt annoyed by this sometimes but then again his heart got swelled by seeing the love for him in each member's eyes.

After two weeks, he was back to normal. God only he knows how hard it was for him to convince the members that he is now perfectly fine.....hehe
His eyes sometimes got teary by remembering all the care they provided him during that period. And he is ready to face any upcoming challenges that await their way....together.

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