Hoseok: Diabetes

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A/N: A short chapter.

Hoseok woke up feeling terrible. He was thirsty, but no matter how much water he drank, he didn't feel any better. He tried to brush it off and focus on their upcoming tour, but his head was throbbing, and he felt dizzy.

"Hyung, are you feeling alright?" A concerned Jimin asked while looking at the pale sunshine.

"Yeah, I am fine." Hoseok said, trying not to sound sick.

"I think you should take an off today hyung. You don't look alright." Taehyung said.

"We don't have time to waste guys. And I am all good, let's go." Hoseok quickly brushed them off and rushed towards their car to go to their studio.

As the day continud, Hoseok's condition only worsened. He couldn't concentrate on dancing and felt weaker and weaker. After a few minutes he knew something was wrong. He was all alone in the dance room, the rest of the members were out for some work. Seeing his condition, he started panicking.

Suddenly Yoongi entered the room, his eyes widened from seeing Hoseok. The BTS members know about Hoseok's Diabetes but he only had a diabetic emergency once till now but still Yoongi immediately recognized that Hoseok was experiencing a diabetic emergency and rushed over to help.

Yoongi gave Hoseok glucose tablets to stabilize his blood sugar and stayed with him until he felt better.

The rest of the BTS members soon heard about Hoseok's emergency and came over to check on him.

They brought food and drinks and made sure Hoseok was resting comfortably. They kept him company, knowing how serious diabetes could be and wanting to make sure he was okay.

Hoseok felt lucky to have such caring and supportive friends. He knew he could always count on them no matter what. He began to feel better. His blood sugar levels stabilized.

"Thank you, guys," he said,"I don't know what I would do without you." He continued

Namjoon smiled at him. "We're always here for you Hobi"

The rest of the evening was spent in a comfortable silence, with the members watching over Hoseok as he rested on the couch. They knew he needed time to recover, and they were happy to just be there for him.

As the hours passed, Hoseok began to feel more like himself. He knew he still had to be careful, but he felt like he could handle it with the support of his friends.

"Thanks again, guys," he said, as his friends began to leave. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Jin grinned at him. "You don't have to worry about that hobi. We'll always be here for you." And the others agreed.

Hoseok smiled at his friends, feeling a warmth in his chest. He knew that he had the best friends in the world, who would do anything for him. And that was a feeling he would never take for granted.

In the coming days, Hoseok took better care of himself and made sure he was always prepared for a diabetic emergency. He knew that with the support of his friends and the proper care, he could continue to pursue his dreams and live his life to the fullest.

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