Magic is not real

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Magic is not real. When we see fireflies, we think it's magic but when we hold it in our palms; we realise there's nothing magical here."

"I don't want to hold the firefly. I want to live in its light. I want to feel its warmth because it makes me feel alive"


It's chaotic at 35 Portland Row. The agents were occupied preparing for their latest case. Lucy was checking the inventory. George was surrounded by papers, plans, notes and whatnot to gain more knowledge about the visitor they're supposed to encounter. Lockwood was brushing up his rapier skills in the basement.

Lucy plops on the chair beside George and takes a deep sigh.

"I'm exhausted." said lucy.

"Nice to meet you exhausted, I'm George." George said.

"Very funny." Lucy glared.

Lockwood entered the room sweating and said "I'm starving, George."

"Have patience, kids. I've already called Arif's." George said while burying his face inside the books.

The bell rang and Lockwood rushed to the door to get it, only to be hit by the cupid's arrow.


The weather is nice in London today. I was at the back baking some cakes when Arif came and asked me to deliver an order urgently as we're running short on staff.

I quickly got changed and left to make the delivery. I looked at the slip to make sure I'm at the right address. I rang the bell and waited patiently.

The door opened revealing a boy my age, probably, in white shirt and black trousers. Beautiful brown eyes, dishevelled hair, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Um.. your delivery, sir." I said while handing him the donuts.

"Ah yes." He said while taking the package from me. The atmosphere turned awkward.


"Yes?" He whispered.

"That will be 15 pounds, sir." I said awkwardly, fixing my glasses.

"Oh yes, sorry. I'm so sorry. Let me fetch my wallet real quick." He disappeared inside the house.

I bid goodbye and left for my job. Little did I know my life was about to change.

It's been two months since the fellow agent met Arif's new Baker. He's been making his visit to Arif's more often than usual. Y/n couldn't help but notice the sudden change in the atmosphere. At first she paid no mind to it but Lockwood made it a tad bit obvious about his growing affection towards y/n. For instance, he would personally go to the shop to fetch the donuts, try to make small conversations and get to know her more, would order tea and have it there while waiting for his order. One day y/n had enough and asked Lockwood to meet her after the shift ended.

"What are you doing Mr. Lockwood?" She asked.

"Um.. having coffee?" He replied.

"I want to make one thing clear to you. Our paths are different. We can't be together, Mr. Lockwood. I would really appreciate it if you just leave me alone and carry on with your life." Y/n said and left the shop.

Y/n got off late. The streets were empty and she still had a couple of blocks left till she reached home.

"There's no taxi. I have to reach home quickly." Y/n said while moving her feet faster.

Couple minutes later she felt a cold breeze. A chill ran down her spine. She hoped it's a cat but she knew it's something else. A visitor.

Y/n gulped and rummaged through her bag for a lavender or smoke bomb. She didn't wait and ran. She ran as fast as she could. She didn't care where she was going, she's looking for a place to hide. She suddenly stumbled upon a pavement which caused her glasses to fly away from her face.

"Shit. I'm blind without my glasses." Y/n frantically looked for her glasses but it was too late. The visitor was near her. She froze.

"Guess I'm gonna be joining you guys soon." She muttered to herself. Suddenly a rapier slashed through the air.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Lockwood asked.

She was frozen. She was profusely sweating. She couldn't speak.

"The visitor will come again shortly. I can't hold him for too long. We have to leave. Y/n please, hold on." Lockwood picked her up on her feet. Lockwood safely took y/n to her flat.

Y/n invites Lockwood inside her tiny flat. She offered him tea as a token of gratitude. For some reason y/n couldn't meet his eyes. Maybe because of the nerves, maybe she's still shaken up by the previous incident.

Lockwood cleared his throat and said "it's a nice flat."

"Thank you. That's all I have." She said while looking around.

Lockwood immediately regrets making the previous statement.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. My parents, they were agents just like you, Mr. Lockwood. After their talent faded they started a small business. Everything was good till that night. They got ghost locked. You know how life in London is expensive, so I had to sell our shop. The rest is history." Y/n opened up her heart.

Lockwood didn't know what to say.

"That's why I stay away from the agents. Mr. Lockwood. I'm not the ideal person for you. You deserve someone who's brave.. like you." Y/n said.

"You think I'm brave?" Locked gave her his iconic smile.

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully.

"Ms. Y/l/n, I can understand what you're going through. I respect your decision but please, I request you to respect mine too." Lockwood said looking deep into her eyes.

"Have you seen fireflies Mr. Lockwood?" Y/n asked.

Lockwood raised his eyebrows. "Yes?"

"When we see fireflies, we think it's magic but when we hold it in our palms; we realise there's nothing magical here. Magic is not real." Y/n tried to explain him.

After a moment of silence, Lockwood said something which froze y/n.

"I don't want to hold the firefly. I want to live in its light. I want to feel its warmth because it makes me feel alive."

"Please, y/n. I've lost everything just like you but I can't afford to lose anymore. I want to be your friend. That's all I ask of you. Give me one chance." Lockwood pleaded.

One chance? Every human deserves at least one chance right?

Y/n couldn't help but ponder on the thought.

"You can take as much time as you need. I'm always here for you, waiting." Lockwood left her flat leaving a conflicted y/n.

Will she give Lockwood a chance or will she push him away to protect her heart? What do you think? Let me know in the comments. Sorry it was a lame and short chapter. My brain ain't braining these days.
Word count: 1,181


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