Do you like me??

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"Can this day get any worse?"

Rain was pouring on the ground in London. You check your watch and curse at your workplace. It's past curfew and you still have a long way to reach home. The rain is not helping.

You would have left the shop ages ago if it weren't for the new trainee messing up the cash register. You tried to show him numerous times how to use the register but he kept messing up. Maybe you're not a good teacher or maybe you lost all hope and just wanted to end the day as early as possible. All you wished was a big mug of hot chocolate and a warm blanket.

The rain turned into a storm in no time. The wind blew so fast your umbrella flew away leaving you deserted in the street with nothing but your handbag. You ran behind the umbrella, before you realised, you hit the ground, face flat. Luckily, you still have your raincoat on but it didn't help much as it's showering at this point.

With a groan you got up and tried your best to keep your feet stuck to the ground and slowly made your way to your destination. The street was empty, dark, and cold. A shiver ran down your spine. You couldn't walk any more, every step became harder and painful. You knew something was wrong with you but you kept your focus on the road.

You looked for any sign of humans or something which will give shelter, when your eyes fell on a small light emitting through a window.

You gathered up whatever strength left in you, took a leap. Next thing you know, a soft voice coming through the door.

"Wonder who's here at this hour of night?"

The door flew open. Revealing a boy, in white tshirt and pyjamas. His eyes were slightly wide in confusion.

"I'm sorry to disturb you-"

"(Name)?" His eyes flashed in recognition.


"What happened?… you look…come in, quickly." He opened the door further, letting you in.

You mumbled a small thanks, shivering.  He led you to the living room, near the fireplace. You took a seat.

"I'm sorry to barge into your house like this. I was on my way when the thunderstorms began. I was looking for a shelter when I saw the light. I'm sorry to trouble you." You explained.

His eyes darted all over your body like you were some exotic species sitting in his living room. Feeling self conscious under his gaze you cleared your throat.

"Is.. something wrong?"

"You're bleeding."


"Yes, you are. Give me a moment." He ran out from the room leaving you confused. You looked at yourself and found your right knee bleeding.

Shit. I must have got this when I fell on the ground. Thank God, I didn't break my nose.

You met Lockwood a few weeks ago. You were working at your regular shift. Making inventories when you saw him scanning the shop from outside. He introduced himself just in time or else you would have called the police.

You couldn't believe you're in the house of the agent who you mistaken as a creep. Lockwood entered the room with a medical kit.

He pulled a chair in front of you and gave a weak smile. You smiled back.

"I don't know how you managed to walk this far with a scraped knee."

"Adrenaline rush."

He gave you a look, "it's gonna hurt a bit." He applied some antiseptic on the wound which made you hiss. You leaned back in exhaustion.

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