Dilemma part 1

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Warning ⚠️ mild language

"God it's annoying."

You give a hard swing on poor Esmeralda.

"Girl, you okay?" Lucy asked.

"No, I'm not." You run your hands through your hair in frustration as you watch the lifeless sack of hay rolling on the floor. "It's been over 6 months and I can't figure him out." You confess to your best friend.

It's been quite sometime since you found yourself crushing over your clumsy hotshot boss.

"Maybe...he's shy?" Lucy tried to calm you. She hands you a bottle of water hoping it will wash down your anger.

"Shy? No Luce, you don't understand. I get weird signals from him. One minute he's the softest person in the world and the next he be getting onto my nerves."

"Why don't we just take a break? Lie down for a while?" Lucy sighed.

You groan but listen to her anyway. You slowly make your way to the kitchen when you find the cause of your frustration.

"I got snacks." Meet Anthony Lockwood, charming, reckless and the hot shot boss who's giving you mixed feelings.

You all grab a piece of donut when Lockwood takes it away. You raise your eyebrow at him.

"I can't believe I forgot! This has almonds and you're allergic." He frowns. "Here. I got you this."

He hands you a plate of your favourite pie and freshly brewed coffee.

You gasp "Lockwood you didn't have to.."

"Of course I do. Taking care of my employees is my ultimate responsibility, and it's something I take great pleasure in."
You gave him a weak smile and turned to Lucy.

"This is what I was talking about" you mouth to Lucy.

Ever since you stepped into Portland Row you've witnessed Lockwood's roof touching chivalry.

Example 1 : He always gets the door for you but he also gets the door for senior citizens too. So, he's just kind.

Example 2 : One time he brought you a beautiful scarf for Christmas but he also got everyone gifts so it doesn't matter much. Also he stated "It was on sale."

Example 3:  He took a bullet for you but he would do the same for others too as he loves being reckless.

He never mention his feelings but listens to your endless rants no matter how late it gets or how tired he is. He always offers his shoulder to you when you need a good cry.

It's annoying.

It's annoying to the point, sometimes you feel like a fool.

"It's unbearable. What should I do Luce?" You whine.



George flinches as he see his best friend pacing the room.

Anthony Lockwood never lost his cool. He thought he was the best when it comes to handling his feelings but a certain girl was proving him wrong.

George takes a sip of his tea which turned cold, thanks to Lockwood's shenanigans.

"Why don't you confess to her?" He shrugs.

"That's ridiculous. I'm a total mess around her. My brain turns to a mush and I can't seem to form a coherent sentence."

"You're just being dramatic."

"I'm not. Remember last Christmas when I got her that scarf she'd been eyeing in the shop? I surprised her with it. And guess what I said?" He sighed. 'It was on sale.' Who says that to their crush?"

"Yeah, you are kind of hopeless when it comes to girls."

"When she looks at me with those big eyes, I completely lose my composure and turn into a puddle of jelly."

"What should I do George? I'm in a dilemma."

Next morning

"Lucy, we have to do something about those two idiots. I'm so tired of their nonsense."

"You're right George. I'm exhausted. Y/n's nonstop talking is driving me mad."

After a moment of silence George smirk "I think I got an idea."


"Are you sure this will work?" Lockwood ask as he fix his neck tie.

"It will if you don't fuck up."

George and Lucy arranged a romantic date in a fancy restaurant for their stupid lovesick friends. 

Anthony felt his hands sweating. He wasn't even this nervous when he fought his first visitor.

"I'm so nervous. What if she rejects me? Not like anyone can reject me as I'm extremely charming but we should keep all the possibilities in mind just-"

"Listen here, Lockwood," George pressed his forehead against his friend's, their gazes locked. "As your best mate for over a decade, I can assure you anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. You might be a total prick, but you're a true friend. I hate to admit it, but I'm glad you're my best friend."

"Are you guys done with your bromance?"

George rolls his eyes in response. "Is she ready?"

"Yes. She's almost done." Lucy chirped.

"Great. We'll stay close by. Don't fuck it up," George warned, his tone serious. With a gentle nudge, he added, "Go get your girl."

Hello friends, I know it's been ages since I wrote something. I have so many things to share. I'll share little by little each time I write. Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll post the second part real soon. Love you xoxo
Word count: 878

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