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Request by jen-z22

"I don't feel so good, Lockwood."

Lockwood looked at your bloody hand clenching to your waist. The poor agent couldn't help but to panic at the amount of blood pooling around you.

"Help is on it's way." He calmly reassured you. The last thing he want is to scare you.

You don't really remember how you ended up in this situation. Stuck in a room full of visitors with your rival company, not to mention bleeding to death.


*72 Hours Ago*

"This case is driving me nuts." George banged the book on the table. "It's nuts." Furiously running his hands over is hair.

"How bad is it?" bored lockwood chomps off an apple.

"A group of nuns mysteriously commits suicide, the reason is still unknown. About 20 years ago, an elite group of agents from Fittes was sent to clean the building but no one survived." Lucy exclaimed.

"We've been through worse. I'm sure we can handle it." Lockwood nonchalantly said.

The agents knew it was futile to argue with their employer. George sighed in defeat before leaving the room. Lucy took a moment and said "Just think it through for once Lockwood."
The door closed leaving him with his thoughts.

The next morning, Lockwood storms into the kitchen "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think we need help."

"Yes." Lucy high fives George. They thank the lord for knocking some sense in him.

"And I know just the person who can help us." Lockwood smirkes.

The trio find themselves standing in front of an old building. "Y/L/N Agency" written on the door.

"I thought you hate her." George uttered.

"Yes I do."

"I thought we were going to Fittes or something?" Lucy questioned.

"No we're not." Lockwood explains. "Listen guys, I know we should have gone to Fittes but see it this way, it's easier to share the commission with one person than four people."

"Besides, I don't want to see Kipps breathing near me." He said the last part in annoyance.

"Still can't get over that one case where he saved our arses?" George teased.

"Shut up, George." He rings the doorbell. While Lucy and George shared a look.

"Oh my! What do I owe to the pleasure of 'The Anthony Lockwood' gracing my humble home?" You smirked.

Lockwood threw a light insult to hide his astonishment. He noticed you grew your hair longer since the last time he saw you. Nevertheless, he always finds you beautiful. You clear your throat and gesture him to come in.

"So you need my help Anthony?" You tease him.

"Focus please."

"Okay time for the real question, what's in there for me?" You squint your eyebrows.

"Handsome commission. 30-40." Lockwood gave you his brightest smile.

"Make it 50 or forget it."

After some heavy negotiation, Lockwood finally agreed to your terms.

*Present time*

"Lockwood...tell my cat I love her."

"Shut up, you're not dying. I won't let you die." He slashed the visitor he was fighting but the visitors were strong and you both needed desperate help.

Lockwood got an idea and looked at you "y/n, do you trust me?" He sincerely asked you.

"No." You sincerely replied back.

"Smart woman." He carefully lifts you up and moves you to the closet.

You heavily breath in pain "I'm scared."

"I know but I need you to stay calm. Okay? Breath with me." He rubs the back of your hand, slowly taking deep breaths. It calmed your nerves down a little but you know you don't have much time left.

It's now or never.

"Lockwood, I don't know how long I'm gonna be alive..I need you to know something or I'll regret it forever. I really.. really like you." You coughed.

"No.1 I won't let you die. No.2..I like you too. A Lot in fact" he rested his forehead against yours, silently soaking up the moment when he heard Lucy calling his name. You both look at each other and you shout as loudly as you can.

It's been two weeks since the incident. You didn't face Lockwood in the time being partly because you were recovering but mostly you felt embarrassed about your sudden confession and probably looked like a fool in front of him. It's a shame you didn't know he felt the same too, about himself.

You were laying on the couch, switching channels when you heard the bell ring. "Coming" you slowly made your way to the door only to find the agent you were trying so hard to avoid.

"Hi" his eyes sparkled.

The room turned stuffy and awkward in no time. You felt self conscious under his cautious gaze.

"How's your injury?" He uttered.

"''s alright I'm okay." You nervously chuckle "tea?" You raised the teapot.

"This is the fifth time in a row you offered me tea y/n, I think I'm fine." He smiled. Goddamn that smile.

"I think it's time to address the elephant in the room."

You gulped a heavy lump in your throat.

He takes a deep breath, "I don't know how or when I started liking you, but here I am. I tried to mask my feelings with arguments, insults and I'm extremely sorry for that. I should have been more mature. I really like you and I don't know what I will do without you." Lockwood continues "Sorry, this is just really different from our constant arguing."

"I know" you smiled at him "Do we like...hold hands?" You shyly hold his hand over the table causing the both of you blush like a bunch of maniacs.

Maybe love turns you into a maniac.

I'm back with another request I hope you like it. I'm sorry if it sucks cuz life sucks right now. I should probably write a book on my life as it loves to be so dramatic. Anyways, hope you are doing well. Love you lots!! See you in the next chapter xoxo
Word count: 1008

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