Chapter one

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Hailey's pov:
I woke up, when the alarm that i had set last night started to rang. I picked up my phone and turned it off. Ugh, i felt so tired. I turned around and saw my fiance who was still asleep. I placed a gentle kiss to Jay's cheek and whispered "Good morning." He slightly opened his eyes and gave me a smile. "we have to get to work" i told him. "I wish we could lay here all day, Haileyy, please can we?" Jay begged looking me with his puppy dog eyes. "what do you think Voight would say to that." You said. "Ugh okay fine" he sighed. I turned to my other side and sat on the edge of the bed. Jay did the same. I got up and started to look for my clothes. "What do you want for breakfast?" Jay asked. "Umm. maybe some toasts" i said. "what do you say" jay asked playfully. "pleaseee" you laughed. Today i decided to wear some black jeans and white a little oversized t-shirt. After i got my clothes on i went to a bathroom to brush my messy blonde hair. Now i headed to kitchen. "Wow, it smells so good, maybe you should consider becoming a cook after all" I said. "maybe i really should, i will go tell Voight today." Jay joked. "Hey Jay, we have to go now or we are going to be late." I said to Jay. "oh no, i have to get dressed first." Jay said. "well me and my delicious toast are waiting in the car." you laughed. I put on some sneakers and walk out the front door. I went to sit to drivers seat because ofcourse i'm driving. Jay can be my passenger princess. I turned the car on and honked for Jay to hurry up. We would be late from work and it wouldn't be a first time. Finally Jay sprinted from the front door and jumped to car. We had 5 minutes to get to work. How am i gonna drive a 10 minutes drive in a 5. Ughh we are gonna be late again. "Wow, hailey slow down, you are driving like a maniac." Jay said.

Finally we arrived at the district, we hurried inside. "This is a fourth time, that you two are late. What is the excuse for this time" Trudy joked from the front desk. "haha, so funny Trudy." I said as we headed to stairs and Trudy buzzed us in. Everyone is already there, Voight was in his office and Kim, Adam and Kevin were joking around. "Look who decided finally show up" Adam joked. "hahaa, very funny" Jay said. We both sat down to our tables. Then Voight came out of his office "we got a case" he said. Everyone went silence, ready to hear what Voight had to say. "There has been two missing person reports and we have a reason to believe that they have been kidnapped." "so is it a same person that kidnapped them both?" Kevin asked. "we cant be sure yet, but yes i believe so." Voight answered. Voight begin to explain the case and then we shared our roles that how we will start investigating. Me and Jay were sent to interview a family of one of the missing girls. We grabbed our jackets and headed back to our car. It was a 15 minutes drive to our destination. This victims name was Julie Andrews, she had been outside seeing her friends and she and her friend Angela Montgomery had left together. They were supposed to go home, but no one has seen them after they left. We pull up to Julie's parents house and walk to their front door. Jay knocks on the door, Julie's mother comes open the door, she has tears on her eyes and she asks if we have found their daughter. "I'm so sorry we haven't. We are here to ask a few questions, can we come inside" I ask. She nods and leads us to their living room where Julie's father is sitting. "Hello i'm Hailey and this is my partner Jay, we are investigating the missing of your daughter." "when was the last time you have seen your daughter?" Jay asks. "I'm not really sure, i think maybe yesterday morning. She went to school and was supposed to come back home late at night since she was seeing her friends." Julie's mother thinks. "okay, what about do you know anyone who would want to hurt Julie or Angela?" I asked. "no no, everybody loves her" mother said tearing up again. "i'm so sorry, but we have to ask all of these questions. "yeah, i understand i just have been so hard since we don't know where our little girl is." mother says. Me and Jay asked them a few more question and then we head out.

We got back to out car and get driving. "are you hungry" Jay asks. "haha, is that even a question, i'm always hungry." I laughed. "Let's stop to get some food before we go back to the station." Jay suggests. "sound like a plan" i answer. We stopped at my favorite restaurant to pick up food, since we didn't have time to stay and eat there. "i wonder if others have found any leads yet. Julie's parents didn't help much." i say. "Yeah i hope we can find them fast, usually cases like this never and nicely." Jay says. Then my phone started to ring, it was Voight. I answered and turn it to the speaker. "did you guys find anything?" Voight asks. "No, Julie's parents didn't know anything. We are heading back to the station now." I say. "Actually, we received an anonymous tip that someone have been hearing yelling from an abandoned house. Could you guys go check that out first." Voight asks. "Yeah, just send us the location." Jay says. "Great, after that come back to the station." Voight says hanging up. Anonymous tips like this are usually just some kids pulling a prank, but we have to go check that out because it still could be true. We turn our car to another direction and drove to that abandoned house. We got up from our car and approached the front door. "Chicago pd, is anyone there" i yell knocking the door. "I guess no one is home" i said and tried if the door was open. It was unlocked. We walk into the house and started searching if there was anyone there. This house was actually pretty close Angela's house. Jay turned to right and i turned left. I checked the living room. This place looked like shit, no one could actually live here. There was no one in the living room so i continued to basement. "Living room is clear" i yelled to Jay. "So is kitchen" Jay answered. I tried turning on the lights but they weren't working. I grabbed my flashlight from my belt and continued my way down to the basement. Everywhere was silent, not a soul anywhere. But still something felt off, there was two chairs in the basement with ropes on them. Just like someone was kept there. I reached for my radio and started calling for Jay. "Jay come to ba-" But then i was cut off. I felt something cold and hard hit the back of my head. I fell down on the floor. "Hailey, can you repeat?" i heard faintly from my radio. I tried to see what had hit me, but my eyelids started to feel so heavy and my vision started turning blurry. I tried to reach to my radio again but someone kicked it out of my hand. I couldn't see who it was. I tried to stay awake so hard, but then everything went black.

Hailey Upton / Caged birdsWhere stories live. Discover now