Chapter eleven

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Two weeks pass and the doctors finally are ready to discharge me. My wound has been healing well. I have been walking with crutches beacuse i'm not allowed to reserve weight on my right leg. I can't wait to go home. Jay is now at home picking up some clothes for me to wear when we are headed home. Doctors told us that i maybe couldn't handle things alone at home and might need some help in daily tasks. Of course Jay immediatly volunteered to stay home with me. He also asked Voight if he was okay with that and he said that it's okay. The doctor came to visit me the one last time. He checked all my vitals and wounds. At the same time Jay walked in to the room. "So are we ready to go" He asked. "Everything looks fine, you can now go home, but Hailey be careful. You are not yet fully recovered so at home you have to rest." The doctor says. "Yeah yeah of course" i said. "I will make sure that she takes it easy" Jay said. "Okay, then i guess you two are good to go. Do you want me to get you a wheelchair or?" Doctor asks. "Oh no no no, i'm going to walk out of here myself" i said and stood up. "Okay if you say so" The doctor said and looked at Jay pointing him to watch after me. I changed my clothes before we headed out. Now it was time to leave. Jay grabbed mu bag and i took my crunches and walked behind him. As i walked out of to hospital doors, i stood there a while. The fresh air felt so good and a warm wind was blowing to my face. "are you coming Hailey?" Jay asked holding the car door open. I walked to him and sitted in the car. "Don't get used to driving, it's not going to last long." i said to Jay joking. "Maybe you will let me drive in the future when i show you how good driver i'm after all" Jay laughs. "Nope, not a chance" I smile. "I'm so grateful i got you back" Jay says. "Well, i'm glad to be here" i said. We were laughing and joking the whole way home. I walked to our door and opened the door. Jay stayed behind to get my bag from the car. "Surprisee" The whole team had gathered to our place and were there to welcome me home. I placed my hand infront of my mouth. A few tears rolled to the corner of my eye. "Omg guys" i cried in joy. I went inside and gave everyone a hug. I was so happy. The whole team was here and everyone were having such a good time. Right now we weren't just a team. We were a family.

The End


I'm sorry that this story ended like this, kinda in the middle of everything. I started to lose motivation to writing this story so i had to shorten it so i could finish writing it😅 I hope you still liked this fanfiction.🤍

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