Chapter six

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Hailey's pov
I don't know how much time had passed. I woke up in a trunk of a car. I tried to grab my phone from my pocket but it wasn't there, someone must have took it. I have no idea where i am, last memory i had was from that parking lot. Wait. Did someone hit me? Again? I reached to my head and placed my hand to the back of my head. My head was aching, it felt worse than before. I looked at my hand and saw blood. I was bleeding. I could hear the cars wheels and a faint voice of car radio. I tried to see if i could open the trunk and escape. After a while i found a handle that could possibly open the trunk. Before i tried that i thought that what possibly i could i do when i got. Only thing i could think of was to run, run as fast as i could. The team would find me. I reached for the handle and twisted it. The trunk popped open and i jumped out. I tried landing to my feet but failed miserably. I landed badly on my right knee. "Ahh" i yelled when i felt a sudden severe pain in my right knee. I sat up and grapped my knee. It looked like it was still on it's place but it still hurt like hell. I turned my look back to that car. The driver noticed me and slammed on the brakes. Oh shit. I tried to get up even tho i was in so much pain. I started walking to the other direction, i couldn't run. Even walking felt impossible. I heard the car door open and someone running after me. I tried to run dragging my right leg behind me. "Please, no, let me go" I cried. The driver was right behind me. No one was coming to save me. We were somewhere in the middle of the woods where no one was seeing. The man grabbed his arms around me, lifting me to air. "Where do you think your going" man said. "please no" i screamed and tried to fight out of his grip. i tried punching him, kicking him, i tried everything but he wasn't letting go. He slammed me to the ground. "please, stop" I cried in pain. I hitted my head on the ground and everything started looking blurry. I felt so exhausted that i couldn't move. I just laid there on the ground and thought that this is the end. The guy kicked me on the stomach, i guess it was a punishment for trying to run away. I wasn't unsconcious but still i couldn't move or scream. The man lifted me up from the ground and carried me back to his car. This time he laid me in the backseat of his car. Maybe he thought that i couldn't escape from there that easily. Even if i wanted to escape, i didn't have any strenght left to do so. I laid there in silence, just wishing that team would find me

Jay's pov:
We all gathered to bullben and started to think how we could find Hailey. "Okay, Kim and Adam you go to Clark's house and try to find any clues where he could be. Jay and Kev watch all the video footages from Hailey's moves. I think that Clark started stalking Hailey after you two were searching that abandoned house." Voight ordered and everybody gets to work. I can't understand how did i let something like this to happen. I should have stayed with Hailey, or why didn't she just text me to bring her food. I blamed myself for what had happened to Hailey. What if i never see her again? That thought creeped me out, i couldn't even imagine living without Hailey. "Jay? Jay? Did you hear me?" Kev asks. "Oh sorry, i was just thinking" I answered "Jay i know that this is hard but right now we have to focus. Okay?" Kev said. I nodded as an answer. We watched the videos and seemed like Clark has been following Hailey since the abandoned house. We informed Voight and then Voight ordered us to go help Kim and Adam.
We got to the house and walked in. Adam and Kim were already searching the places and we joined them. Everything seemed normal, just an ordinary house. But after a while of searching Kim called us from upstairs. We went to look what she had found. It was a closet full of stuff. Not stuff that a single man would keep in his closet. No. There was mostly womens stuff, hairbrush, jewelry, perfumes, glasses, makeup, shower sponges, etc. That one item, it looked familiar. I tried to remeber for a while. Then it hit me, it was Hailey's. "That scrunchie is Hailey's, she keeps it always in her car, it's her favorite." I say. "Didn't someone broke Hailey' cars window yesterday?" Kim asked. "It was Clark, i can't wait to get my hands on this guy" I say madly. "Let's take all this stuff back to the station." Kev said. We gathered all of the stuff and headed back to the station. On the station we counted all of the items, together there was 7 items. "seven items, seven womens" Voight said. " Don't you really think that every item that he has represents a women that he has stalked or even kidnapped." Adam asked. " I think so yeah. I think that Clark was really stalking just Julie and Angela just happened to be in a wrong place in a wrong time." Voight answered. "Kim, Adam and Jay stay here and try to find out the owners of remaining 5 items. Me and Kev are going to talk to Clark's relatives." Voight said. We got to work even tho this job seemed impossible.

Hailey's pov:
The car finally stopped. That guy got up from drivers seat and walked away. Where did he go? I tried to sit up and reach for the car window to see where i was. Every single inch of my body was in pain, but now wasn't the time to give up. I had to fight, to get home back to Jay. I looked out of the window. There was a building, it wasn't like a cabin nor a warehouse. The car doors were locked, ofcourse they were. Then i heard the man coming back, he was walking toward the car with something in his hand. He opened the backdoor. "Don't be scared, i'm going to take a good care of you" the man said. "Don't touch me, please, let me go" i said trying to back away as far as i can from him. He grabbed me from my right ankle and started pulling. Then i felt that same shooting pain in my knee again. "Ahhh, please let go" i cried. He had some sort of syringe in his hand. I tried to get away from him, but it was too late. He pressed the syringe against my thigh and injected me with some sort of drug. It went straight to my head. The world started spinning and everything was going black. I felt when he lifted my limp body away from the car. He was carrying me inside but then i lost consciousness.

Hailey Upton / Caged birdsWhere stories live. Discover now