Chapter two

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Jay's pov:
I was just clearing the bedroom when i heard Hailey calling me throw radio. "Jay come to ba-" Then her voice was cut off. I tried calling for her a couple times, but when she didn't respond i got worried. "Hailey" i started yelling and run to the direction where she went. I heard someone running in the front yard, but now my first priority was to find Hailey and make sure that she was okay. I didn't see her in the living room so i continued to basement where i believed she went. "Haileyy, call out, where are you" Then i saw her. She was lying on the ground unconscious. Hailey omg what happened. I lowered next to her on the ground, lifting her to my arms. She had a nasty looking cut in the back of her head. Did someone hit her? "Dispatch, i need an ambo to our location right now, my partner have been hit." Called to my radio. I tried shaking her if i could get her conscious. Hailey please open your eyes if you can hear me. Then she slightly opens her eyes. Hailey, it's okay, help is on the way just stay there. "wha- what happened?" She asked lifting her arm to the back of her head. "Did you see Hailey anyone, who hit you" i asked her. "no, i didn't see anyone, but someone was here, hiding." Hailey answered. I could now hear the ambo's sirens, they must have been close. The paramedics came and took Hailey to get checked up. Hailey asked me to stay in the basement and see if i could see anything there. I saw what Hailey was meaning. There was two chair with ropes tied up to them, like someone was kept here prisoner. I called Voight, that the team should come there to check that out.

Hailey's pov:
Luckily i didn't have to go to hospital, they put on a couple of stitches to my head and told me to take it easy for a few day's. Outside i bumbed to Jay and just as i suspected he was so worried about me. I tried to convince him that everything was fine. The rest of the team came to the house and we all together went to see the basement. We couldn't be sure if it was Angela and Julie that was kept in that basement, but clearly somebody was. After we were done in the basement the team walked back outside. "Okay everyone, crimelab is now investigating that basement, the results should be done by tomorrow morning. Kim, Kevin and Adam, head back to the station. Jay you take Hailey home." Voight ordered. "What? No. Voight i feel fine, i want to stay." I begged. I should be at work, helping so we could find those poor girls. Ofcourse my head hurt like hell, but i couldn't let that slow me down. "No Hailey, my decision is final. I'll see you two tomorrow" Voight said and started walking towards his car. "Come on Hailey, let's go" Jay said, grabbed my hand and started walking me towards the car. The drive home felt like forever. "Atleast you should go back to work, i don't need you babysitting me." I said. "Ofcourse i'll stay with you Hailey, you were unconscious, you propably have atleast an concussion." Jay answered. I stayed silent and closed my eyes because my head was pounding. Finally when we were home, i went inside and sat down on the couch. Jay sat down next to me and turned on tv. After awhile i got up and went to the bathroom to get some painkillers since the pain was clearly not going away. Ofcourse Jay followed me. He's always so worried about even the smallest things. "Your head hurt?" Jay asked "Yeah just a little, nothing to worry about." i answered.

Jay's pov:
I'm worried about Hailey, she tolds me it's nothing and maybe it is nothing, but i just can't stop worrying. I know that even if something was wrong she wouldn't told me. She just thinks that she has the stay strong and she can't rely on anyone else than herself. I love her so much and i want her to know that she can talk to me about anything. I know that she knows that, but still she founds it so hard to talk about her feelings. Me and Hailey went back to the sofa, i turned on one our favorite shows. Criminal minds, we loved trying to guess the plot before the end of the episode. I lifted my hand over Hailey's shoulders as she was leaning on me. We watched the episode for 10 minutes when i noticed that Hailey had fell asleep. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping. I stroked her hair and pulled a blanket over her. Time passed and i think that i dozed off for awhile. Hailey was still asleep. I woke her up, just to be sure that she was okay. "Hailey, wake up honey" I said gently shaking her. "Ughh.. Let me sleeeeep." Hailey said tiredly. "I'm sorry, i was just checking" i said. "What time is it?" Hailey asked. "5pm, i think you should stay awake know so you can sleep at night" i said. "Ughh, okay whatever" Hailey answered. "I'll go grab us some food, what do you want?" I asked. "Chinese" Hailey answered still laying on the couch. "Okay, are you sure can stay here alone?" i asked. "Yes ofcourse, i'll wait here" Hailey answered. "Okay if you say so" I answered. 

Hailey's pov:
Jay left to get us some food. He's worrying over nothing, it's just a concussion, it's not like i'm gonna die. I was still laying on the couch. My head still hurt like hell even tho i took the painmeds, i'm starting to feel a little nausea too. I laid on the couch staring at the roof. Then i suddenly feel like i'm going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom, i got there just in time. After i threw up, i sat on the bathroom floor, trying to push a side all of the pain and the nausea. I got up and flushed the toilet. I walked back to the sofa and decided to call Kim and ask if they have found any new leads.
K: Hey Hailey, how are you?
H: Fine, i would rather be there helping with the case.
K: Oh Hailey, just take it easy, we haven't found anything new. There is not much we can do until we get the result from the house.
H: Okay, i'll see you tomorrow. I said and hung up the phone. Just then i hear the front door open and Jay come in with our foods. "Everything okay?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine" I answer. Jay sat down with me to the sofa to eat and we watched Criminal minds as we were eating. Now it was time to go to sleep, i felt tired even tho i took a couple hour nap. Jay is setting alarms on his phone every three hours, so he can wake me up and see if i'm okay. I tried to tell him that it's not necessary, but i know that when he has made his mind there is no changing that. I pulled a blanket over me and closed my eyes.

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