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Ps- niki is 2004

"Mom??" Jungwon shouts inside the house, in a hurry for the first day of school, he was almost late. Thats because he wakes up late as always.

"Wonie, slow down, im sure the professor Will understands why you're late." The mom reassures him making him slow down abit.

"Just take your lunch and some money for emergencies." The mom said while giving him the items she mentioned.

The mom fly kisses jungwon as he was running to find a bus that can pass his school. Luckily he did.


Time skip


He went in his assigned classroom, he saw lots of people he knew since yk, he was popular.

Thank God the professor still wasn't in the room.

A girl approaches jungwon and starts flirting with him. Though jungwon looked and felt uncomfortable. He was the supposed to be the one flirting not the other way around.

"Ugh, why do you look like you saw an ugly monster?." She asked angrily.

"Thats because he is looking at one." A boy said that caught jungwons attention.

The girl then left feeling both angry and embarrassed.

Jungwon thanked jake for saving him in that awkward situation.

"Maybe you should stop flirting with everyone and everything, others think you like them. You confuse them on how you feel about them."

Jake said making Jungwon finally stop flirting with everyone. Not entirely everyone though, just his close friends he is actually comfortable with.

Then the professor walks in making everyone run to their seats.

"Since today is the first day of school, please everyone do what you want as long as its not illegal." Professor said.

Everyone goes out, some stayed in the classroom just to hang with others.

"Jungwon. Please come here for a second or so." Professor asked for jungwon.

"Yes sir???" Jungwon looked at him confused.

"So as last year, i saw how bad your grades were. Gladly it was good enough for you to graduate and move on to the next grade. So i assigned you to someone who can tutor you, he is absent for today since his mother is sick and he wants to look over his mom, please behave well when he tutors you."

Professor said, while jungwon was just standing there looking down. He was dissatisfied on how bad his grades were last year.

"Sir. I will study hard this time, i dont need a tutor, plus i cant pay him, i only have money for emergencies."
Jungwon pleaded.

"Its alright, he doesn't need payment, and plus he is very smart and can help you with the studies and knowledge you're lacking."
- Professor

"Well, what do i know about him..?" Jungwon asks curiously.

"Well, his name is Jay Park , he is one year older than you. He is quite shy but you'll get used to it. Now dont even try to flirt and hurt his feelings. He is like a son to me." Professor exclaimed.

"Yes sir!" Jungwon then saluted him (idk why)


Time skip

2nd day of school

Jungwon was on his phone, while waiting for his tutor to arrive in the library.

"Whats taking him so long...? Is this what being stood up feels like?" Jungwon sighed and took a nap.

30 minutes later

Jay walks in and sits next to jungwon, before he woke him up, he admired his beauty like he was his boyfriend or sumthin.

"Jungwon, wake up please. "
Jay said while patting his back.

"Mmmmmm...." Jungwon groaned and was annoyed, he hated studying tbh.

Jungwon sits up properly slowly, he was still tired,

"Sorry i have a stomachache, i have to-" jungwon paused when he saw Jay's face. Wow.. he thought.

"Is this cutie really my tutor?"
Jungwon winking at jay . Jay blushed and turned his face to the books instead of making eye contact with Jungwon.

"Chill it was just a joke, or maybe not?"

Jungwon likes teasing new people he mets.

"L-lets just start please."
Jay stutters because his student was his "crush" ever since he took the step in the school and his eyes were already at jungwons.

They start the lessons.

Jungwon yawned and felt really bored and tired.

Jungwon puts his head on jays shoulder.

*Is this rlly happening omg*
Jay thought,

All he could think about was cuddling with jungwon. But it was impossible rn.

"Hello? Aren't you gonna continue the lessonnnnn???" Jungwon asked, confused,

"You want a kiss to start working??"
Jungwon asked jokingly

Jay mumbled a yes.

"Oo whats that i hear? A yes..?"
Jungwon just fly kissed jay because it was their first time actually meeting eachother.

Jay smiled at him. He actually was feeling comfortable around him.

-thank you for reading this!.

More chapters coming soon.

I'll work on it tomorrow!!
This is a Total happy ending since i hate bad/sad endings.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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