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Eversince that moment happened between niki and sunoo, they became more uh....

Lovey dovey lol

Always hugging or holding eachother's hand.


Jay was just reading a book on his bed
When suddenly jungwon walked in the room and jumped onto jay, jungwons body was begging for cuddles with jay, and jay noticed it
So he did hug him and kissed his cheek.

Jungwon wanted more so he kissed jay on the lips. Jay smiled like he was melting.

Jungwon turned around facing jay

"Can i.. see your chest?.." jay said

"Uh why? I mean you can but why-" jungwon was kinda shy when jay asked that
"Just because... I wanna see.. we still didn't do anything more than.. kissing and stuff.. yk. I wanna go to our next stage.."

"Oh.. here?? Isn't niki and sunoo out there?."

"Yeah but.. just be quiet~"
Jay was smirking and lifted up jungwons hoodie.

Jungwon was just laying down when jay told him to sit down on the middle of the bed while jay was there infront of jungwon kneeling.

He started licking jungwons n11ples and the other he plays it with his hands.

Jungwon was trying his best not to m04n loudly so the two people out there room couldn't hear.

"W-wait.. let me take off my hoodie." Jungwon was just stuttering as he did.

Jay could see his whole chest now that that was gone.

Jay nibbled on his n11ple and his right hand rubbing on jungwons thigh. His hands were going back and fourth and everytime his hands rubbed upwards it always comes closer to his c0ck.

Jungwon couldn't control it. He had a mountain in his pants now. Jay noticed but pretended he didn't see it to tease jungwoni.

Jungwon grabbed Jay's face and kissed him. Jay started to bite on jungwons lips like it was food.

While they were making out jungwon took off his pants and there was his underwear left. He let out his throbbing c00ck and started jerking off even if jay was there.

Jay saw and placed his hand on jungwons c0zck.

"Let me handle it jungwoni.." jay said
And stroked his h0rny 4ss dick.

Each second jay went faster and jungwon couldn't control his moans anymore.

A few minutes later he finally came.. on jays hand.

Jungwon was just panting for air after the pleasure he felt.

Jay stood up and helped jungwon clean up and gave back his hoodie and his pants.

"Jay?? What about you? Can i help you too?" Jungwon said shyly .

"Sure..." Jay sat down at the edge of the bed and jungwon was there kneeling down at the floor between jays legs. He could see the big mountain infront of him...

Jungwon took off his pants and his underwear was left. He open it and jays c0xck went up.

Jungwon was stunned on how big it was (LOL)

"Can you take it?? Its fine if you cant-" jay said but jungwon replied confidently with " i can do this. I know i can.."

Then he started to lick the tip to tease jay ..

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