mint choco??????

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Also short!
Just some icecream scenes^^ <33

Hii sunny!! Wanna go to the park for some icecream??"

Yay sure!!! Meet me in 10 minutes


Jungwon was first to arrive at the park. He was sitting on a bench since sunoo was 3 minutes late.

When sunoo arrived he apologized to jungwon

"Heyy sunnyyy.. its fineee! Its just 3 minutes anyway"


Jungwon giggled and followed sunoo who was running towards the icecream truck nearby

"Whatchu want wonie??"

"Hm.. just chocolate "

"So plain.."

"Shut up!!"

"What would guys like??"
The owner said

"One mint choco and chocolate!!"
Sunoo said smiling

"Ew mintchoco"
Jungwon mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that!!!!!"

"Heres your icecreams, enjoy fellas!!!"

Jungwon pays and sunoo thanked him for paying.

"What happens if we buy all the flavors so we could taste everything in the menu???"
Jungwon said biting his icecream


"I hate you sunny."

"Awe sucks for me ig"

Sunoo laughed

Just then sunoo saw niki also eating icecream.

Just then sunoo saw niki also eating icecream

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"Ohh hii sunshine~ i missed youu"

They both kissed just for a millisecond

"I guess im a third wheel now lol"
Jungwon said

"Btw i saw that uh.. you ate mint choco sunoo??"
Niki said

"Yeah why???..."

"We're over."

"HUH WHY???!??"

"Jk i just dont like mint choco. Ofc we're still together"

"Oh okay"


They went to McDonald's


"Mmmmmmm i heard their chicken here is so crispy and goooodd!!!"
Jungwon said showing his cute dimples."

"Yeah they say its so delicious!"
Sunoo said agreeing w jungwon

"Not as delicious as you lol"
Niki said

"I see whatcha did there niki"
Jay fist bumped niki

Jungwon eyes rolled


They all ordered some yummy food and ate then left.


Sorry its been short.
I've been busy and I'm planning to make a sunki story but i have 2 other stories to provide
(This and yeongyu oneshots)

I get real bored easily hehe....

Hope you enjoyed

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