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Warning -
This page contains mak1ng out

People who are here-

Everyone arrived at Jay's house at 3pm they were sleeping over and since tomorrow is class they just agreed to take Jay's car to head to school, they packed extra clothes for tomorrow.

They all picked a room and who to share it with, there was only 2 guests room
Jungwon with sunoo
Jake with heeseung

Jay ofc in his own room

They picked truth or dare as their game and they gathered in a circle at the floor.

"Wheres the bottle jay?" Sunoo asked and jay gave him the bottle and spun it.

It landed on heeseung

"Truth or dare?" Sunoo asked.

"Truth" heeseung answered. "Well thats boring." Jake said making heeseung roll his eyes.

"Do you like anyone in this room rn?" Heeseung looked at jake and nodded

"Who is it????" Jungwon said making heeseung reply with " one question only. I'll tell you guys later when im ready."
Heeseung said and this time heeseung was the one spinning the bottle

It landed on jungwon

"Truth or daree jungwon?" Jake asked.

"Dare, truth is way to boring." Jungwon exclaimed.

"Make out with jay. Just for like 2-5minutes." Sunoo said while smirking.

"WHAT?.. isn't that too much??"jungwon said looking over at jay who looked okay with that dare.

"Cmonnn, you said you wanted fun dares. Thats fun right?" Sunoo said and jake n heeseung nodded.

"Are you okay with it jay?" Jungwon said and jay nodded.

They went to the walk in closet jay had.

(Btw they were at jays room since it was massive.)

It was dark until he turned on the light. They locked the door. And started.

Jay sat down and signed jungwon to sit on his lap. And so he did, and hugged for abit. Then jungwon grabbed his face and kissed him.

Jay kissed back and found his way in his mouth. Their mouths were watering jay was good at doing this, their tongues fighting, while they do that, jay rubbed jungwons lap making him make an unholy sound.

But still kept going. They kept going harder each second.

Then they heard a knock.
"Five minutes have passed! Cmon lovebirds! Out you go!!!!" Sunoo shouted loud enough so they could hear and they stopped.
"Too bad its done. Maybe next time?" Jungwon said winking.

Jay kissed him one more time in the lips making jungwon feel his cheeks heating abit.

They both fixed their hair on the way out.

"That was intense." Jake said laughing.

"How was it?" Heeseung and sunoo asked.

"He was good, might do it again" jungwon said winking making sunoo do a disgusted face, and then jake and heeseung were laughing bc of sunoos face and jungwons answer.

Jay just stood there infront of a mirror fixing himself.

"Go hug him from the back and start being clingy" sunoo said

"Why?" Jungwon asked
"Oh he loves clingy people" jake said and heeseung nodded

Jungwon went to jay and hugged him at the back making Jay's attention all to jungwon. Jungwons hands were all wrapped around jays waist. Jay turned around, picked up jungwon in bridal style. Put him on the bed and and pinned him down making jungwon lay down, jay then said.
"Both can play at that game." And just left jungwon on the bed.

He went back and sat on the floor, "cmon lets continue now." Jay said and everyone sat back down. They continued the game.


Time skip


They were done eating dinner and they were now in their assigned room,

Sunoo and jungwon were sharing the same bed since they were bestfriends and well, because there was only 1 bed each room

"You guys reallyyyyyyyyy enjoyed making out did you?" Sunoo asked chuckling.

"Uh i guess? I mean. I wanna do it again, it felt good and he was so good at it." Jungwon said making Sunoo smirking.

"Then continue it." Sunoo said making jungwons eyes widen,
"Uh wdym?" Jungwon said
"Go to his room, and do it." Sunoo said

"Okay" jungwon said and left

"But- it was a joke.." sunoo said but jungwon didnt hear him.

Sunoo quickly called jake since heeseung already fell asleep.

Sunoo told him everything and they went infront of jays room and just listened.

( Jay and jungwons 3rd person pov)

Jungwon woke jay up by kissing his forehead .

Wth? How'd you get in here and why?" Jay said confused.

"I missed you. And it was unlocked" jungwon answered

"Anyways im feeling like doing it again, do you mind?"jungwon said.

"If you become mine."jay said jokingly,  but jungwon agreed and it made jay shock .

Jay sat down on his bed and jungwon sat on his lap again.

Jungwon wrapping his arms around jays neck and jays arm wrapped around jungwons waist.

They started it again. Their tongues fighting .

Jay stopped and jungwon was confused . Jay then smirked and sucked on jungwons neck hard. Leaving a h1ck3y.

Jungwon was a m04ning mess because of jay.

Jay licking jungwons neck up to his lips and kissed him then jay bit jungwons ear making him groan.

And they just continued until 30 minutes later they were tired. So they cleaned up and just slept together.


Jake woke up sunoo since he fell asleep, and they went to the kitchen to get some water. "Well that was.. intense." Jake said. And sunoo agreed.

Just then they heard a voice behind jake. Him wrapping his arms around jakes waist. "What was intense?" Heeseung asked them

"Well-" jake was cutted off by sunoo who glared at him. His eyes were saying 'shut up and dont say anything about it.'

Cmon tell me ." Heeseung begged but sunoo stood his ground and he just left both of them, sunoo went to his room and slept .

Heeseung looked at jake, "tell me"

Jake shook his head and left too . Fine. Heeseung said .

They both went into their room and slept. Heeseung and jake were cuddling. Poor sunoo just with himself.

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