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After the incident where jungwon caught them. Sunoo felt all shy everytime niki and him made eye contact

Example -.

"Sunoo? Can you get me that remote?" Niki said and sunoo just grabbed the remote, gave it to niki and walked away.


"Augh.. why do i feel weird everytime i look at caught us.. so what? Ughhh... Jungwoniee i need you."

Sunoo said as jungwon was rubbing his back. Sunoo was at the verge of tears.

"What if niki thinks im ignoring him?? Or he thinks i dont love him anymore??" Sunoo was overthinking but jungwon was there just listening to his rant.

"Sunoo, im sure if you just loosened up and tell him how you're feeling. You guys can sort it out. Plus its Niki we're talking about. He has a soft spot for you." Jungwon was trying to comfort sunoo, well it seems like its working.

"Thanks wonie.. this is why ilysm!!(as friend obv) you're always here for me. Just remember you can rant to me too." Sunoo was reassuring.


Sunoo and jungwon went back to their dorm and saw niki and jay talking and laughing. Like they're having fun.

Niki and jay stared at sunoo and jungwon confused. Why was sunoo hiding behind jungwon??

"Cmon sunoo just go to a private place and tell him, maybe you guys will do something again~" jungwon said smirking at him,

"Shut up jungwon." Sunoo nudged jungwon and approached niki and there he was standing infront of niki.

"Niki? Can i tell you something? If so please follow me." Niki followed sunoo to the park. It was already 6pm and it was turning dark.


"What happened between them?" Jay said.

"You'll find out if you follow them with me hehe" jungwon said while chuckling.

"I'll come with you, just incase something happens.."

Jungwon smiled and gave jay a light kiss on the lips.

Few days ago they started dating but kept it a secret.

Jay was slightly blushing but jungwon didnt notice and just followed them.


They both sat down on a free table they saw and sunoo spoke up.

"Niki, im sorry for making you feel like im ignoring you. I was, I'll admit it, but i was just like, you know.." sunoo wasn't looking at niki at all.

"Like what? Tell me." Niki was just staring at sunoo while sunoo was looking down at the floor.

"I was just feeling shy everytime i look at i dont know. I feel like blushing everytime we make eye contact, like when i first saw you. I felt all shy and couldn't speak at all." Sunoo was all blushy of all what he said in embarrassment.

"Its okay to feel that but please don't ignore me again. I really thought you didn't like me anymore." Niki said.

"I dont like you anymore though." Sunoo said looking at niki blanky.

Jay and jungwon was just shocked at what he said , they were at the back of a tree listening to them.

"What?.." niki was staring at sunoo, it looked like niki wanted to cry.

"I love you niki. Please dont ever leave me." Sunoo said and niki scoffed.

Niki stood up. Sunoo thought niki was gonna leave. But then Niki stood infront of sunoo, he bent his knees so their faces were infront of eachother, niki put his fingers under sunoo's chin and made him look up his face.

Then niki grabbed sunoo's face and kissed him. There was barely people there,

It felt like time stopped. Sunoo couldn't move and just closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

Niki finally let go . " I love you too sunoo." Sunoos eyes sparkled and so did nikis. It felt like they were meant to be.

Jungwon was all happy faces and shook Jay's body since he was Soooooooooo.... Happpppyyyy for both sunoo and niki.

"Cmon. Lets go back in our room?" Niki suggested and sunoo smiled happily and nodded back at him.

They both went to their dorm while holding hands.

"Wow, i wanna experience that." Jungwon said forgetting jay was also there.

Jay then attacked jungwon with pecks of kisses around wonies face .

" I could do better to make you feel good~" jay said and jungwon just pushed his face away. "Shut up.."


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