i love you

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Jay was feeling lonely. He wanted jungwon to be there by his side.

Jay heard the door clack.

Ooh jungwon was home!!!

Jay suddenly stood up and ran to jungwon.

"Someone's extra clingy today~"

Jay laughed and jungwon did too.

They were so madly inlove w eachother

"Cmon, i have to out these groceries down then lets cuddle?"

Jay nodded and helped jungwon put the groceries.

Both males headed to bed

Jay laying down and so is jungwon.

Jungwon puts his right leg on jays legs to feel comfortable and they cuddled.

Jay played jungwons hair and massaged his head.

"Thats rightt..."
Jungwon felt so at ease whenever he's with jay.

Jungwon sat up.

Jungwon kissed jay passionately.

Jay kissed back.

"I love you jay"

"I love you too wonie"

The end!!
Tysm all for the support ^^

Ik its short story but hope y'all enjoyed my journey:))
Hope i can write better in the future byee lovesss

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