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The next day when they are at school*


"Class, from tomorrow onwards.
There will be dorms, 4 people each dorm. Some might be 3 people because its missing some people okay.
After lunch go to the school board and look for your name.

Other details will be at the school board. To get the keys, go to me and tell me ur dorm number. Thats all, your subject teacher will be here soon. Oh and no classes after lunch so you could settle in your dorms."

The professor said leaving.

Time skip
After lunch

The group
And sunghoon (he is also jungwons bestfriend)

The group went to the school board after they ate

They saw their names.

Jungwon , jay , sunoo , niki


Jake , heeseung , sunghoon


"Yey, we all got the same dorm, i guess the professor knows we love each other so much!!!" Sunoo said happily while jumping with niki.

Niki just went with sunoo's vibe since he is bored and doesn't know what to do.


Time skip where they settled in their dorm


Jay and jungwon decided to share 1 room and sunoo and niki was sharing.

Jungwon was tired so he just decided to watch tv, as he approached the couch he saw jay already watching tv

"You're done unpacking?" Jungwon asked


"Thats quick. Can we watch something else?"

"No, im watching this, go to sunoo to hang on or something, i was waiting for this" jay said making jungwon walk to sunoo and nikis room.

He was about to open the door but felt the vibe was weird,

"Is anything happening here-" jungwon stopped as he opened the door and saw niki n sunoo just making out.
(PS - as i said at the first page niki was 04.)

"JUNGWON AH GET OUT" sunoo shouted and jungwon just accidentally slammed the door and ran to his room and just jumped on his bed.

"What in the macaroni did i just see."


"Aughh.. he saw us, didn't i tell you to lock the door?" Niki said making sunoo rolling his eyes.

"He won't tell anyone, i guess. He is our friend anyway right?" Sunoo said
As niki replied with "but the others in the gc is also our friends! Obv he would tell atleast one or two people."

"ARE YOU GUYS FIGHTING??? IF SO JUST SHUT UP AND MAKE UP." Jay shouted so both niki and sunoo could hear.


Sunghoonie. Please meet me at the park at 3pm. I have something to tell you about what i saw today.

What happened?
Just tell me now.

Its too weird to say in chat, just go please.



It was 3pm and they went to the park

Jungwon saw sunghoon walking towards him and...? Heeusung??? Why was he here.

"Uh sunghoon? Why is heeseung here????" Jungwon was confused when he told him only him and noone else. Or did he not? Maybe he forgot.

"You never said i couldn't come with someone."sunghoon said .

"Hi jungwoni. So whats the tea??" Heeseung said making jungwon smile.

They all sat down at and available table they saw.

"Soooo?..." Sunghoon was curious on what he saw .

"So like. I saw two people making out in our dorm." Jungwon said

"Uh who?"heeseung said

"Niki and-" jungwon was cutted off by sunghoon..

"NIKI AND SUNOO?? WTH THEY LIKE EACHOTHER AND I DIDN'T KNOW?!?!" Sunghoon was acting like he was offended.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Jungwon said

"Well basically.. jay, niki, and sunoo are your dormmates. And since jay is yours, niki and sunoo are left behind so yeah." Sunghoon said making heeseung nod with agreement with sunghoon.

"Jay isn't mine! Why would you say that." Jungwon scoffed.

"Really? We heard what you guys did at jays room. I think it was jake who told me. Yeah jake." Sunghoon said

"Plus it looks like you love jay. I mean- the way you look at him yk." Heeseung said

"Yeah yeah and that too." Sunghoon said. Jungwon dropped his head down to the table and just groaned.

"Nooo... I don't like him.. i guess.." jungwon mumbled but sunghoon could understand since he was his bestfriend. While heeseung gave sunghoon a "what did he say" look.

"I'll tell you later." Sunghoon said.

"Cmon jungwoni. Lets get iced coffee. You too heeseung." Sunghoon dragged both of them to the coffee shop nearby.

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