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It was the weekend.

Jungwon already told his mom he would be going out for him

His mom thought he wanted to go out for his "gf" even though he doesn't have1

Jungwon went to a cafe to get some coffee since it was morning.
There he saw jake and his friends

Jungwon approached Jake to say hello,

"Oh hi won! Meet my friends, Sunoo and heeseung!!" Jake said. Jungwon didn't even hesitate. He took their hands and shook them.

"Hello!" Both sunoo n heeseung said it at the same time. Jungwon felt comfortable with them. yehey new friends

They all went to park to talk there since the cafe was stuffed with people. When they arrived, jungwon spotted jay there.

Jungwon ran to Jay and hugged him. The triplets sunoo, heeseung and jake were shook. "Is that Jungwons bf?" Sunoo asked.

Even jake doesn't know the answer to that.

Jungwon then broke the hug and held Jay's hand and dragged him to his friends..

"Hey guys! This is my boyfriend Jay!"
Jungwon chuckled because he was just kidding.

"We're dating??" Jay said whispering to jungwon as jay was having butterflies bc they were still holding hands.

"Just play along. Kiss me or whatever." Jungwon said jokingly but jay held jungwons face and kissed his cheek.

Jungwon blushed abit,

"Hi im Jay, nice to meet you, as you know im jungwons bf." The triplets were kinda shook kinda not. Jungwon could get a guy anytime he wants. And jay was good-looking too.

"Uh nice to meet you dude." Heeseung exclaimed.

"Im just kidding he aint my bf. He is my tutor. The triplets then just sighed at jungwon.

Jay was still smiling since they were still holding hands, but jungwon then broke the contact.

"Cmon lets talk or lets go to the mall?"
Sunoo asked and everyone voted for mall except jake. But after he saw heeseung wanting to go, he also voted for mall.

They went to the mall

Sunoo and jungwon went together to the toys section to get some stuffed animals while jay, jake and heeseung went to the clothing section.

With jungwon and sunoo

"Ooo this is cute!! Look wonniee!!! Its a cat like you!" Sunoo said while squealing.

"Really? I'm a cat?" Jungwon said giggling, sunoo nodded and gave the cat to jungwon

"Here, I'll pay for it and you keep it! I'll buy this panda and dog stuff toys, ooh there's even another cat but different color!! Lets match kitties!!"

Sunoo was having fun while jungwon was just there to look after him,

"Okay thats enough we are gonna need a basket, wait here." Jungwon said and went looking for a basket.

Jungwon went to a worker and asked where are the baskets,

"They are at the entrance, enjoy shopping!" The lady said.

Jungwon thanked the lady, he went to get a basket, when he went back to sunoo's place where he left him, he was gone

"Wth" jungwon said.

Jungwon called sunoo

On phone

Hey where are you??

The bunny toy section
, find meee !!

I hate you.

End call

Jungwon went to the bunny section where he found sunoo holding loads of bunnies and cats and pandas and dogs and just. Lots and lots of stuff toys.

"Are you giving that to charity or sumthin?" Jungwon said but sunoo shook his head and frowned.

"Is this too much???" Sunoo said still frowning.

Jungwon disagreed just to make sunoo happy.

"Wait, you are paying for those right?.." jungwon being worried.

Sunoo nodded happily and puts all the toys in the basket. They went to the cashier and payed for the items..

Part 2 coming soon

You Started As My Tutor. || JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now