Chapter 2 (Phil POV)

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When? When did I look at Dan that way? When did he change from a friend to a love interest? I guess I can't pin point the exact moment. The way I look at him and the way I feel is built up of years of emotions that I didn't realize I had. Somewhere between the moment we met and now the line between a platonic love and romantic love for Dan became blurred. No I can't pin point the exact moment I fell in love with him, but I can tell you the moment I realized my feelings...

Dan and I were having a casual night in. Our friends had invited us out but after discussing it we decided that the club they were planning on going to just wasn't our scene and despite of that, it was freezing outside. After we had dinner, which was fajitas made by Dan and we went into the living room when we decided that we should watch a movie.

We finally decided to help Dan conquer his fear of 'The Blair witch project' by re-watching it. Yet this just lead to him filling the room with squeals, so high pitched a five year old girl would have some serious competition. "Wow, great plan Phil, yeah that really helped conquer my fear" he sarcastically groaned, clutching the pillow tighter in his arms and attempting to subtly look behind him when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry, I thought it would work" I replied. He wasn't looking at me though instead looking around the room with a traumatized look upon his face. "I might go to bed, I'm kind of tired" I teased, getting off the sofa as I spoke. I wasn't tired, I was actually surprisingly awake for what time it was. I of course wasn't ready to go to sleep, but there was nothing as hilarious as winding Dan up.

The look I got the moment he heard those words was remarkable. I wish I could have taken a photograph of his face of horror and framed it. At first looked dazed, like he wasn't fully listening. Then his mind processed what I just said. He turned his head with a face of anger, shock and pure terror. His eyes were wide, his mouth agape and he did that face he always makes when he furrows his eyebrows. "No, no you are not leaving me Lester, after forcing that torture upon me!"

I was well aware of his tone, but I adore how his accent becomes posher when he's annoyed. "Psshh... fine Howell" I said mocking his use of my surname. "Keep me entertained or I'll fall asleep." After a moment of clearly thinking of ways to stop me from sleeping he grabbed his laptop and started playing Christmas music. I do admire the thought behind his choice of entertainment. I clearly couldn't fall asleep if he was playing Christmas music, firstly due to my love of Christmas. And secondly he played the music loudly so even if I wanted to sleep, I couldn't.

I scanned the room firstly observing the tree that we had previously assembled and the twinkling fairy lights. The whole room was so festive. Dan however still looked pale, and that's saying something coming from me who has the complexion of a polar bear.

"Come here" I said, opening my arm to allow the shaking mess that remained of my former friend. I know what you thinking, how had I not realized I had feelings for him then when I invited him to cuddle with me? Dan and I were always a cuddly friendship. Moments like that usually didn't seem like a big deal to us. As I said before the line between a platonic and romantic relationship had been blurred for a long time.

He jerked forward, as if he was about to join me before stating "I'm not still scared" as if it was an insult that I wanted to comfort him. I laughed in my head. Did he really I couldn't tell when he was lying?

"Okay I'll just go to bed th..." I said slowly rolling myself off the sofa. As expected I was interrupted by a certain chocolate haired idiot crawling in the space I had previously invited him to be.

"Okay fine, fine I'm petrified, don't leave me." I settled back in to the sofa resuming listening to Dan's choices of Christmas music and his music opinions. Though he used musical terms that I didn't quite understand, I went along with it anyway.

He lay his head and arm on my chest and his laptop rested on my upper thigh. The laptop was tilted towards him and the screen lowered so he could look at it properly from his awkward browsing angle. He then proceeded to scroll through Tumblr, pointing out funny posts from time to time.

I looked down at the curly mop of chocolate hair. He hadn't straightened it today, as he wasn't leaving the house, but I thought it still looked great. I zoned out of what he was saying nodding from time when he looked up at me with those rich, dark brown eyes.

I looked round the room, it was full of festivity. The lights were twinkling, the music was full of Christmas spirit and then I looked at him. His eyes were locked on the laptop screen as if his life depended on it. His mouth was moving, but I was so focused on him I couldn't hear a word it was saying.

Unsure of whether it was just the cheerful mood or a burst of emotions, but in that instant I understood that Dan was more than a friend to me. Though deep down i knew he still was my best friend and I could never ruin that. But I would think more about this later, I just wanted to look at his beautiful wait no... angry face? Why is his face angry? My sense of hearing finally coming back to me. "PHIL!" he said waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Oh, yeah? Sorry I was just daydreaming" I muttered. "I have been trying to get your attention for five minutes! It's snowing!" He then proceeded to move his laptop and practically role over me (as he was on the inside of the sofa) and rush toward the window. I dazedly got up and joined him. The ground and cars below were carpeted with a thick blanket of sparkling white snow. It was truly magical! Yet I could only focus on the boy beside me. His eyes wide and mouth grinning, like an adorably over-excited puppy. He had definitely cheered up. "Come on Dan we have to go to bed, I'm filming that day- in-the-life video tomorrow and we have to go to Louise's. You need some sleep." And with that we both headed our separate ways and went to sleep.

Authors Note- Well I guess this update came earlier than expected. I thought I would just come up with some ideas tonight and wrote a whole chapter. I know the story so far has been Dan and Phil looking back and telling stories about when they finally realized, but that was just for context. Starting next chapter it will be their present thoughts and feelings. I think that's all I really wanted to say. Thanks for reading :)x

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