Chapter 4 (Dan POV)

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The light shone through the crack in the curtains the next morning, waking me out of my slumber. Groaning I proceeded to lift a pillow up and cover my face, but after five minutes of lying like this I realized I wasn't getting back to sleep. I then proceeded to rub my eyes roughly enough to see purple dots, before finally sitting up and lifting my laptop off the bedside table where it was charging to check the time. It was only 8 o'clock which was a time I very rarely was awake to see. However it was too late now, I was already awake. I then proceeded to go on the internet when there was a knock on the door. "Dan can I come in?" Phil's voice called from the other side of the door. Pulling the blanket up as I was only in underwear, before saying "yeah come in."

Phil excitedly came in wearing his green pajama bottoms and a blue t-shirt. He skipped in sitting at the bottom of the bed facing me with his legs crossed. "What's going on? Why are you up so early?" I said inquisitively. His smile widened. I had to stop myself from smiling uncontrollably just by looking at him. "Well firstly I just wanted to say thank you for putting the video up..." he began. "It was no big deal, you already said thanks, twice" I reminded him. "Let me finish. We have both been working a lot lately, so I thought we could go on a short holiday. So I booked us a hotel by the sea, just to get a break."

My eyes lit up and I couldn't stop smiling. "Wow Phil thanks that sounds amazing! I've been wanting to get out of London" was what I said. What I was thinking was; did he really just do that? Is he trying to torture me or something? He was so thoughtful and caring and how the hell am I going to control myself on a seaside holiday with this idiot! "When are we going? Where are we going?" I said excitedly. "We are leaving on Friday afternoon and staying all weekend and coming home on Monday morning. It'll be a bit of a journey, but we are going up to Blackpool!" He grinned. "Ahhh I can't wait" I said excitingly hugging him. He hugged back meeting my hug putting his arms around my waist, but at the feel of his cold touch against my back I realized I had forgotten that I was only wearing underwear. It was too late, why do I do things like this? As we pulled apart I looked at him and his eyes trailed from up my chest to meet my eyes. Our awkward eye contact lasting about 5 seconds before he swiftly said "anyway I'll let you get up, I'm going to get breakfast" he then promptly jumped off the bed not turning back as he left the room.

I outwardly groaned, slapping my forehead and burying myself in my pillow. I didn't want to move. It was all going so well, until I decided to force my half naked body upon him. Why am I such an idiot?! Great job keeping the fact that you are infatuated with your best friend secret Dan... Surely he didn't think that I liked him, he probably was just uncomfortable with the lack of clothing not the fact that I like him, right?

Forcing myself out of bed, I pulled on pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. I actually did own pajamas, I just get warm when I sleep. I hesitated before leaving the room. I went to the kitchen where Phil was examining the choices of cereal. "I don't know what I want?" He muttered as I walked in to the room. Glad he clearly wasn't going to address the moment we just had. I just chuckled at his serious face, like the choice of cereal would affect his entire life.

"Dan what are you having?" he said, as if hearing my choice of cereal would help him make a decision. "Special K probably" I replied. He groaned clearly unimpressed with my choice. "I think I'm going to go with Frosties" he said finally. He then poured the bowl. "Wow I'm so proud of you, making that big decision" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. He went to grab some milk out of the fridge, but I put my hand out blocking his entry. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, clearly unhappy I was depriving him from his breakfast. I pulled out the lacto-free milk. "You know you're not supposed to be using regular milk" I said putting the bottle in his hand. "But I don't like it as much" he said like a stubborn child, trying to persuade his parents. I just raised my eyebrow at him, telling him without speaking that I wasn't giving in. He then gave his puppy eye face at me. I had always been impressed with our ability to communicate without words. "You know that doesn't work on me Phil" I lied. If he had of continued with his face for a few more seconds I would have gave in. He thankfully stopped. "I'm only doing this because the doctor said so" I tried reasoning with him. He sighed "fine, but I'm not happy about it" he said trying to come across serious, though you could see him fighting back a smile. He then stomped out of the kitchen into the living room. As I watched him leave I couldn't help laugh. He was so dramatic.

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