Chapter 7 (Mixed POV)

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*Time skip to tomorrow*

Phil and I had spent the morning shopping, the sky was greyer today. We walked down the town, buying far too much rock candy. We originally bought some to bring home with us, but we ate it so we had to go back for more.

 We then spent the afternoon walking down the beach. We carried our shoes in our hands and sank our feet in to the sand. We then paddled in the sea, which was freezing considering the time of year. I pushed Phil in to the sea however it backfired as he grabbed on to my shirt dragging me in with him. We both wobbled crashing into each other as we splashed in to the water. Our outfit were covered in water and sand and became uncomfortable. We however ignored this and burst out laughing ignoring the other people on the beach, clearly confused at two grown men acting like children, but we didn't care.

Phil and I waddled back to the hotel to get changed for the party. The lady at the hotel gave us an un-approving look as a trail of water and sand followed us in to the hotel.  I looked in my suitcase to decide what to wear for the party. I decided to wear my white moth shirt and black jeans. I showered first so I was ready much early than Phil. I watched the sunset going down on the balcony as I waited. Phil wore his blue and black star shirt with black jeans. 

When he was ready Phil texted Owen confirming we were going and that he had the right address. The house wasn't far away, but since we didn't really know the area we decided to get a taxi there. As we arrived there was a lot more people that Owen made out were there. There was people chatting outside in groups and the party was already busy as Phil and I arrived slightly late. When we walked in Owen greeted us pointing out the bathroom to the right and the table of drinks and crisps in the corner inviting us to help ourselves.

Phil checked I was okay before going over to catch up with Owen. I went to go get a drink off the table when a slightly tipsy lady stumbled over to me. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes, she had a outgoing personality and quite tall. "Hi I'm Jessica what's your name" she said, holding herself up by grabbing my shirt. "Em I'm Dan" I said removing her grip as she was standing a bit too close and continued pouring myself a vodka and coke. "You look lonely, want to hang out?" she slurred out.

 I looked over at Phil who was still talking and drinking with Owen and his friends. I decided Jessica, though drunk seemed nice enough and would be good company as I waited for Phil. "Come dance!" she said grabbing my hand. "I'll finish my drink first." I said, however I don't think she heard me over the music as she continued to pull me towards the dance floor. I quickly downed the drink, shaking my head slightly at the aftertaste and joined her and her friend Becky. Becky looked similar to Jessica but slimmer and shyer than Jessica. She also had brown hair and brown eyes, they looked like sisters thought they assured me they weren't. I joined the two of them and we all went to the dance floor. 

After a while they decided to do shots which I was going to pass on, but Phil was still with Owen and his friends and it had already been more than an hour since they started talking, so Becky, Jessica and I headed over to the sofa in the corner in the room and started pouring the shots. A short while later I could feel myself becoming tipsy, in my opinion I wasn't that bad a drunk I just became slightly louder and more confident than before. 

"Where's Phil?" I asked the girls confused at why I wasn't with him. "Who's Phil?" Becky asked back. "The guy I came with, he's tall with black hair and eyes that are like three different colours?" I explained. "I don't know him" Becky replied. "You must know him and he's really funny, and he always wears coloured t-shirts, you must know him?" I replied shocked at how she didn't know who Phil was. Jessica giggled slightly "Dan are you and Phil together?" I made a pouty face "No, but hopefully soon we will be, he kissed my forehead the other day." I boasted, acting smug, like he had just proposed to me or something. "Awww" they coursed smiling at eachother. "Is that one Phil?" Becky said pointing over to a group of males, with Phil clearly standing out as he was much taller than the others "Phil!" I shouted, but he couldn't hear me over the music. "I'll take that as a yes" Jessica smirked to Becky. "Oh my god you should go tell him" Jessica said and Becky nodded in agreement adding in "yes definitely" and "it's so cute." "But I don't want to ruin anything, he's my best friend?" I said almost begging them to help me work out what to do. They started mumbling to themselves, and I couldn't quite work out what they were saying. Though I Becky made a suggestion, but it was quickly rejected by Jessica saying "OH MY GOD BECKY YOU'RE SO STUPID!" Eventually the girls came to a decision. Becky started talking "We think that it's worth the risk, I mean.." "shhhhhhhhhh he's coming over..." I interrupted feeling bad that I was the second person to tell Becky to shut up.

Phil came over and sat beside me on the sofa "Hey Phil!" I said giggling. "Dan are you okay?" he said placing a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah i'm fine" I slurred out leaning back against the sofa attempting to look attractive. "You don't seem okay, how much have you had to drink?" I just shrugged my shoulders and giggled. 

"Okay I think we should take you back to the hotel" Phil said attempting not to laugh and putting his arm round my waist causing Becky and Jessica to giggle. "You  both have my number?" I asked Becky and Jessica while standing up. They both nodded. 

As we got half way across the room "Thinking Out Loud" started playing. "Phillll we have to dance to this, this is our song!" I said as I stopped walking. "Dan you can't stand by yourself, never mind dance" he said reasoning with me. I made puppy eyes "please Phillll?" He smiled at me "fine, but try not to fall." 

He directed me to the dance floor and I lay my head on his shoulder. We swayed side to side as that is probably all I was capable of in my state. I smiled in to his shirt, I was so lucky. Over his shoulder I saw Becky and Jessica mocking our slow dance. Becky laughing, as Jessica winked over at me. I hoped I would keep in contact with them.

As the song was coming to an end I looked up at Phil's eyes. As his eyes met mine I put my hands on either side of his face, smiling at him. He was so beautiful. Just look at him. I used a finger to move a strand of hair out of his eyes and got a surge of confidence. I moved closer, tilted my head and kissed him. It was slow and passionate but only lasted a few seconds, but it was already one of the best kisses I had ever had. Our lips moved together and I just felt right.

He pulled away and looked down at me with a blush over his cheeks. "Come on you idiot let's get you back to the hotel" he said smiling down to me. He put his arm round my waist holding me up and we walked outside into the garden. My eyes kept closing as I lay on his shoulder, but I forced them open not wanting to fall asleep. A few minutes later the taxi arrived taking us back to the hotel.

 When we reached the hotel lobby Phil told me that we were playing a game where I wasn't allowed to speak until we got to the hotel room, so we didn't wake people up. When he unlocked the door and I sat on the edge of the bed Phil said I won the game because I kept quiet.

Phil told me to lie down. He placed the blanket over and pecked my forehead again causing me to say "you did that yesterday!" He looked down at me confused but smiling "what?" he questioned "I was pretending to sleep, but shh don't tell Phil" I said before realizing how comfortable the pillow was and drifting off to sleep.

Phil POV

Well that was eventful. I thought to myself. Although he did it, he finally kissed me, he was drunk. What if he doesn't remember this tomorrow morning? Or what if he's angry that I kissed him back when he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing?

 Although I worried about all this I couldn't help but smile. That moment when he looked up at me, swaying slightly due to his drunk nature and biting his lip slightly in an obvious attempt to be seductive, though I'd love to say it just make me chuckle but it slightly worked. He also knew about me kissing him yesterday morning, do I bring that up to or will that just be embarrassing ? Or do I just leave it? I don't want to make things awkward. I put on my pajamas  leaving Dan in his clothes as he was already asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I crawled in next to him and went on my phone unable to sleep after tonight's events. I informed our viewers that we were coming home tomorrow and that there would be a video soon and then proceeded to go on Tumblr. At two in the morning I checked the time and a short time later I fell asleep.

Author's Note - They kissed! (Finally...) Well firstly I hope you like the story so far. Do you think Dan will/won't remember? Feel  free to give your thoughts/ opinions. Also did you prefer the format were the chapters are fully Dan POV/ Phil POV or did you prefer the mixed POV chapters or would you like a mixture of both? As usual I just want to say thank you for reading and feel free to message me anytime not only about the story but if you just want to phangirl over random crap  i'm up for it!  Anyway i'll stop rambling thank you all for reading, I hope you all  enjoy it- Emily x

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