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A couple of hours pass by and Lucy decides to make dinner.
Lucy: I'm gonna go start dinner
Tim: are you sure? I mean I could make it
Lucy: I'm sure
Lucy goes into the kitchen.
Lucy: I'm gonna make dinner T!
Tamara: ok!
Lucy makes chicken parm sandwiches
Lucy: dinners done!
Tim comes out and sits at the counter
Tim: hey
Tamara comes out of her room
Tamara: how many did you make?
Lucy: I made 5 in case your friend wanted one
Tamara: thanks
Tamara grabs two sandwiches and then goes back to her room
Tim: I'm gonna say that two of these sandwiches are for you
Lucy: we can share the last sandwich. I'm hungry but I'm not sure I could finish two of these
Tim: yeah me neither
They eat and then share the last sandwich. Lucy's stomach starts making noises so she rushes to the bathroom and pukes
Tim: do you need anything?
Lucy: no I'm good. You can hold me hair though
Tim: yeah of course
Tim shuts the door and sits behind Lucy on the floor of the bathroom while she pukes. He holds her hair back and then she leans back into him
Tim: so I'm guessing chicken parm is not in the list of food the baby approves
Lucy: glad I know that now
Tim: yeah. I can take tomorrow off sick if you need me
Lucy: no it's all good. I'll just have grey put me at the front desk for the rest of the week
Tim: are you sure?
Lucy: yeah, I mean I can't take up all of my vacation days now
Tim; ok
They go back to the bed and lie down
Tim: are you sure your gonna be able to get some sleep tonight?
Lucy: I'm gonna try
They all go to sleep

The next morning.
Lucy wakes up and rushes to the bathroom. Tamara sneaks her boyfriend out of the apartment and then goes back to her room. Lucy comes out of the bathroom
Lucy: hey Tamara
She turns around
Tamara: yeah?
Lucy: I do wanna meet your boyfriend sometime
Tamara: and you will, just not today
Lucy: ok. Do you need a ride to school again?
Tamara: no I got one. Thanks for the offer though
Lucy: mhmm
They both go back to their rooms and start getting ready. Tim wakes up and sees Lucy getting dressed
Tim: hey
Lucy: good morning sleepyhead
Tim: morning
He sits up in the bed
Tim: what time is it?
Lucy: 7:20
Tim: oh shit
Tim gets up quickly
Lucy: luckily you have other clothes here
Tim: yeah but their dirty
Lucy: don't worry, I washed them when I wash my clothes
Tim: oh thanks
Lucy: yeah
Tim starts getting ready too.
Tamara decides to make some breakfast. Tim eats some
Tamara: you want some luc?
Lucy: no I'm good, thank you though. I am gonna go make sure I'm not forgetting anything
Tim: ok
Tim kisses her and she goes back to her room and checks her bag. She comes back out with her bag
Tim: let me get that for you
Tim grabs the bag from her
Lucy: I can carry my own bag
Tamara: we shouldn't risk it though
Lucy: risk it?
Tamara: I researched a little bit about being pregnant in your thirties
Lucy: you did?
Tamara: yeah me and my friend were researching it last night, and we found out the risks start to get greater later on in your thirties
Lucy: I'm only 31 Tamara
Tamara: ok, but better safe than sorry. That's all I'm saying
Lucy: and I get it, I just don't want to be considered fragile
Tamara: I get that, but pregnancy can take its toll. We just wanna be here to help when you need it, even if you don't want it
Lucy: I appreciate the support, but I'll let you guys know when I need it. Which is not right now
Tim: ok. But on patrol, don't get into risky situations
Lucy: patrol can be a little unpredictable
Tim: then stay undercover
Lucy: I can handle being on patrol
Tamara: he's just saying, take it easy. I mean being pregnant is riskier, and we can't risk losing you
Lucy: ok, ok, I'll take it easier now. But this is not how it's gonna be for the rest of this pregnancy
Tim: of course not. When's your next appointment?
Lucy: In four weeks
Tim: four weeks?!
Tamara: yeah I researched that too. Anyways, my ride is here. So I'm gonna go
Lucy: ok. Bye Tamara
Tamara: bye, and stay safe
Lucy: you too
Tamara: yeah sure
Tamara leaves
Lucy: seriously Tim, I'm not gonna take it easy for the next eight months
Tim: yeah cause your gonna go on maternity leave
Lucy: let's just go
Tim: ok
Lucy walks out of the door
Tim: aren't you forgetting something?
Lucy: what?
Tim drops her bag on the floor
Lucy: oh you said you were gonna carry that for me, since I'm taking it easy today
Tim: oh then your gonna work front desk today?
Lucy: yes
Tim: ok
They go to the station
Angela: hey guys
Lucy: hey. I'm gonna go get changed
Lucy goes to the locker room
Angela: what did you want to talk to me about Bradford?
Tim: I was wondering if Lucy could join you today, you know being a detective and whatnot
Angela: you know, being the detective I am, I can tell this goes deeper. But I will investigate into that later with Lucy
Tim: so she can?
Angela: yes
Lucy comes back
Lucy: ready for roll call?
Tim: yeah let's go
They go to roll call. Lucy sits with Nyla and Angela
Lucy: hey guys
Nyla: hey Chen
Angela: hey
Grey: as you all know, we are still chasing down the drug cartels before they launch a war between each other. Chen, your with detective Lopez today. Thorsen, your with the detectives today too. You'll be with Harper
Aaron: got it
Grey: the rest of you, your on patrol today. And sergeant Bradford has a task for you guys today
Tim: metro will be the backup for today. Now get to work
They all leave the room
Aaron: what happened yesterday Lucy? You just never came back
Nyla: oh she just needed the rest of the day off
Lucy: yeah I didn't wanna confiscate the crime scene. I probably just ate something off yesterday
Aaron: ok
They head over to their desks
Angela: ok. We're investigating the connection between this case and Elijah
Lucy: how is he still involved with all of this?
Angela: just because he's in prison, doesn't mean he's not involved
Lucy: got it
Nyla: yeah, me and Aaron are gonna go check out some of the places we've been sent to check
Angela: ok. Me and Lucy will stay here for backup and to keep digging
Nyla: ok
Nyla and Aaron leave
Angela: so what's going on with you and Bradford?
Lucy: is that what you meant when you said we were gonna be investigating?
Angela: not fully, but I can tell something's going on
Lucy: it's still a little early, but I'm pregnant
Angela; wow. And you guys aren't even married or anything
Lucy: no. But can we just keep this under wraps
Angela: well who all knows?
Lucy: Tamara, Tim, Nyla, and I'm pretty sure that's it. And you now technically
Angela: so just not Nolan, grey, or Aaron
Lucy: basically no. I mean Nolan took me to the doctor yesterday, but he didn't ask questions. He just thought I was sick and wanted me to see what it was
Angela: it's gonna come out at some point. You know that right?
Lucy: yeah I know. Tim just wants me to take it easy
Angela: I get that. I mean I wasn't even on patrol for either of my pregnancies
Lucy; yeah, I just don't want him or Tamara treating me like I'm fragile
Lucy gets a call from her doctor
Lucy: can I take this really quick?
Angela: go ahead
Lucy walks away and answers the phone
Lucy: hello
Doctor: hi. We forgot to test you yesterday for the diseases you might have
Lucy: ok. Do I really need to get tested?
Doctor: yes. I recommend that you come as soon as your shift ends
Lucy: can it wait until tomorrow?
Doctor: as soon as possible. I mean id recommend right now
Lucy: yeah I'll come after shift today
Doctor: ok. Goodbye
Lucy; bye
Lucy hangs up and walks back over to the desk. She starts to feel faint
Angela: hey are you ok?
Lucy: yeah I probably just have to sit down
Angela gets up
Angela: here
Lucy: no it's fine
Angela: I insist
Lucy; ok
Lucy sits down
Angela: who was that?
Lucy: just my doctor
Angela: what's going on?
Lucy: she just wants me to come over and get tested for some stuff
Angela: I think you should
Lucy; I will. I'll just go after shift
Angela: ok
They get to work. Aaron and Nyla come back two hours later
Nyla: we ran down every lead that we had or connection to the inside. Nothing
Aaron: it's like they were all meeting somewhere, cause nobody was at any of the places we searched
Lucy: I mean there could be some secret meeting place we don't know about
Aaron: are you good Lucy? Your looking a little pale
Lucy: great
Aaron: I'll go get you some water
Lucy: thanks
Aaron goes to the kitchen
Angela: Lucy, what's going on?
Lucy: I'm good
Nyla: Chen
Lucy: maybe not totally good. But I'll check it out after shift
Nyla: are you sure you can wait that long?
Lucy: yeah of course. There's only 7 hours left
Angela: ok

Shift ends
Tim comes and check on Lucy
Lucy: hey
Tim: hey baby. You ready to get home?
Lucy: yeah. Um the doctor actually wants me to swing by for a blood screen
Tim: ok
They head over to the doctors
Lucy: hey. I'm here for
The doctor comes out
Doctor: hi Lucy. Come back with me
Lucy: ok
Lucy and Tim follow the doctor
Doctor: we need to put a needle in you to screen your blood and make sure it's all good
Lucy: ok
They put the needle in and extract some blood
Doctor: you guys should probably get some rest. It usually takes a while to screen for all of the diseases
Lucy: ok
The doctor leaves
Lucy: I should probably text Tamara and tell her we won't be back for a while
Tim; ok
Lucy texts Tamara and she replies back with an ok.
Lucy roses off and so does Tim

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