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Almost six months pass by. They haven't found out the gender because Lucy didn't want to know yet. They solved their two cases. Tim left early in the morning because of his hours. Tamara and Lucy head over to the station
Angela: hey mama
Nyla: are you sure you shouldn't be at home? You look like your about to pop
Lucy: I'll be fine, as long as I don't have to get that duty belt today
Nyla: I remember those days all too well
Lucy: we better get to roll call
Angela: yeah
They head to roll call. They all sit next to each other
Grey: I'm sure you all know ms Colin's here
Tamara stands and waves and they all nod
Grey: she will be joining us again today. She has a set of fresh eyes to look over evidence that we need. Chen, you will be out of patrol today. Today is the last day before your maternity leave
Everybody claps
Grey: so I will be putting you with Harper and Lopez today to work on the case with ms Colins
Lucy; yes sir
Grey: gentle reminder, don't let your guard down since some of stone's acquaintances are out. Your all dismissed
They all head out of the roll call room. Lucy sits at the desk next to Nyla
Nyla: how's it feel to go on maternity leave tomorrow?
Lucy: probably won't be as hyped up as it sounds like. Tim won't be on paternity leave for a while, and Tamara here is planning to take a travel course for the summer
Angela: hi Tamara
Lucy: she has accomplished a lot, and me and Tim are very proud of her
Tamara hugs Lucy
Nyla: so what's wrong?
Lucy: it's probably going to be a little lonely with Tim and Tamara gone all day
Angela: isn't that heaven though?
Lucy feels a contraction
Lucy: I guess, ouch
Tamara: what is it?
Lucy: it's just Braxton hicks
Nyla: are they spaced out?
Lucy: I mean I had one right before roll call
Angela: I'm not sure those are just Braxton hicks Lucy
Lucy: it should be fine. I mean even if it is labor, labor usually takes a while, right?
Angela; not for me
Nyla: not really me either
Tamara: aren't you like two months early too?
Nyla; we should get you to a hospital Chen
Lucy: I'm fine, really
Tamara sees her dripping
Tamara: well your water broke, so your going
Lucy looks down
Lucy: yeah ok
Angela calls 911
911- what's your emergency?
Angela: we have an officer in early labor at mid-weldhire station
911- we have an ambulance on the way
Angela hangs up
Lucy: are you sure you were supposed to hang up?
Angela: well if they don't get here in 5 minutes, I'll call again
Lucy: yeah ok
Bailey comes up with a gurney a couple of minutes later
Bailey: time to go Lucy
Lucy: ok
Lucy hops on the gurney
Tamara: I'm coming with you of course
Bailey: the let's go
They head back to the ambulance and drive to the hospital. They get Lucy to a private room
Bailey: I have to head out, but I do want updates
Lucy: noted
Bailey leaves
Tamara: how are you doing?
Lucy waves her to come closer
Lucy: I'm good. Ow
Tamara: should I call Tim? I think I should call Tom, or do you wanna call Tim?
Lucy: I want you to calm down Tamara. And yes, you can call Tim
Tamara: ok
Tamara calls Tim
Tim: hey Tamara. Everything alright?
Lucy: hey babe
Tim: oh hey. What's going on?
Lucy: here's the thing
Tim: your in labor aren't you? I'm on my way. It's Shaw memorial right?
Lucy: yes
Tim: ok I'm on my way
Tim rushes over there. When he gets there, he sees Nolan, Nyla, and Angela waiting in the waiting room
Tim: hey guys
Angela and Nyla: hey dad to be
Tim smiles as he rushes into Lucy's room. He rushes to her side
Tim: hey
Lucy: hi
He kisses her on the forehead
Tamara: I am going to go wait in the waiting room with everyone else. But I'll be back
Lucy: ok Tamara
Tamara goes to the waiting room
The doctor comes in
Doctor: his ms Chen. And you must be Mr Chen?
Tim: oh no we're not married yet
Doctor: ok
Lucy smiles
Doctor: I'm just gonna take a quick check down there, see how dilated you are
Lucy: go for it
The doctor checks
Doctor: you are already 8 centimeters dilated
Lucy: 8 centimeters?
Doctor: yes, but you have to be at 10 before you can start pushing
Lucy: ok
Doctor: I will be back in 30 minutes to check on you again. Let me or one of the nurses know if you need anything
Lucy: will do
Doctor: ok
The doctor leaves
Tim: are you ready for this?
Lucy: well it's too late to not be ready
Tim: luckily the nursery is about ready
Lucy: are you still glad we never found out the gender?
Tim: I mean I would've liked to be a little more prepared, but no. I'm good with our decision to wait

An hour passes by and Lucy has the baby
Doctor: congratulations. It's a baby boy
Tim and Lucy both smile as the doctor puts their baby in Lucy's arms
Lucy: he's perfect
Tim: you did amazing baby
Tim kisses her on the forehead
Lucy: looks like you aren't the only man in the house now
Tim: looks like it. I'm gonna go tell the others the news
Lucy: ok. And let Tamara know she can come back in now
Tim: ok
Tim goes out to the waiting room and sees Tamara passed out leaning on Nyla with her jacket on top of her
Nyla: hey
Tamara wakes up
Tamara: what's going on?
Tim: it's a boy
They all clap
Angela: congratulations!
Nyla: congrats Bradford
Nolan: congratulations!
Tamara: I knew it!
Tim: thank you guys. You can come back now Tamara
Tamara: are you sure?
Tim: of course
Tamara: ok
Tamara gets up, puts her jacket back on, and follows Tim to the room
Lucy: hey T
Tamara: aw. He's the most precious boy I've ever seen
Lucy: do you want to hold him?
Tamara: are you sure?
Lucy: I mean your basically his aunt, so yes
Tamara: of course
Tamara walks over to the bed and Lucy hands him into her arms.
Tamara: he's so small
Lucy: he's very small
Tamara: have you guys figured out a name yet?
Lucy: we have a name in mind
Tamara: really? What is it?
Lucy looks at Tim and he nods
Lucy: Theodore collins
Tamara: his middle name is Colin's?
Tim: what else would it be?
Tamara: it sounds perfect
The nurse comes in with the incubator
Nurse: sorry to spoil this time, but he needs to go in the incubator
Tamara: ok
Tamara hands him back to Lucy
Lucy: I'll see you later little guy
Lucy puts him in the incubator
Nurse: I'm gonna take this little guy to the nursery. What's the last name?
Lucy: can you hyphen it?
Nurse: yes
Lucy: Bradford- chen
Nurse: ok
The nurse takes Theodore to the nursery
Lucy: you can the others they can come in now, if their still out there
Tamara: I'll go
Tamara goes out to the waiting room and sees that Wesley, James, and Bailey have joined the group
Tamara: Lucy says you can come back now
Angela: ok
They all head back to Lucy's room
Nyla: how you doin mama?
Lucy: a little tired
Angela: that's reasonable. We can take Tamara out to eat so you can get some rest
Lucy: are you sure?
Tamara: I can pay for myself
Wesley: nonsense. We can pay for you Tamara
Tamara: are you sure?
Angela: of course
Nyla: do you want us to bring you anything back?
Lucy : veggie burger and fries please
Tim: I wouldn't mind some wings
James: got it
Nolan: we'll leave you two to get some rest
Lucy: thanks
They all leave
Lucy: I'm gonna get some rest
Tim: ok
Lucy doses off and so does Tim. He falls asleep leaning over on the bed

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