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Lucy and Theodore get to go home the next day. Tim and Tamara help them in and Lucy lies down in the bed
Tim: do you need anything?
Lucy: no I'm good
Tamara: are you sure?
Lucy: I need you guys to calm down and go to work and college
Tim: are you sure you won't need anything while we're gone?
Lucy: I can get it if I do. Seriously guys, I'm fine
Tamara: ok. Call if you need anything?
Lucy: of course. Now go. I love you guys
Tim: I love you too
Tim kisses her
Tamara: love you too luc, but I'm gonna skip out on the kiss
Lucy: ok. Bye
Tim: bye
Tim and Tamara leave
Lucy: finally

Hours pass by and Tim calls Lucy. To his surprise, she doesn't respond. So he calls Tamara
Tamara: what's going on Tim?
Tim: have you heard from Lucy?
Tamara: not since we left, why?
Tim: she didn't respond to my call
Tamara: call her again. She probably just missed it or something. Or she's taking a nap. I'll swing by the apartment and make sure she's good
Tim: are you sure?
Tamara: yeah I mean I'm done for the day anyways. I'll just bring Jackson with me
Tim: ok. Call me to update
Tamara: I will
Jackson heads up to Tamara and Tim hangs up
Jackson: what are we about to go do?
Tamara: we are going to check out the apartment. Tim's worried because Lucy didn't answer his phone
Jackson: she could just be asleep
Tamara: yeah that's what I thought, but I don't want Tim to get metro to pull up
Jackson: yeah that sounds like something he would do
Tamara: yeah. Are you done for the day?
Jackson: yeah just about. I do have a class later though
Tamara: I'll get you back just in time for you to take a nice nap since it is only 12
Jackson: as long as I can get my nap in
Tamara: ok sleepyhead. Let's go if you wanna get a good nap in
Jackson: ok
They head over to the apartment. They get to the front door which is surprisingly opened
Tamara: Lucy?!
Tamara slowly opens the door and doesn't see Lucy
Jackson: we should probably call the police
Tamara: I'll call Nyla. She'll ping Lucy's phone
Jackson: that's probably a good idea. Let's go see if she's in the bedroom
They scope the living room out and then head to Lucy and Tim's room. Tamara sees Theo lying in his bassinet
Tamara: Theo!
Tamara runs over to the bassinet and picks him up and cradles him
Jackson: Lucy's not here, but they left the baby?
Tamara: maybe they didn't know there was a baby here
Nyla calls Tamara back
Tamara: she's not here Ny
Nyla: we'll find her, and the baby
Tamara: there's one slight adjustment to that part, they left the baby here unscathed
Nyla: is there somebody with you?
Jackson: yeah it's me
Nyla: hi Jackson. You two should scope out the place to see if there's anything they left
Tamara: we will. Can you call Tim?
Nyla: I'll have Angela do it
Tamara: thanks
Nyla hangs up
Jackson: where do we start?
Tamara: my room?
Jackson: ok
They check out Tamara's room and then the bathroom
Tamara: there's nothing here
Jackson: except for our fingerprints and DNA
Tamara: we should probably head over to the station. And you could go back to campus
Jackson: I'm not just gonna leave you
Tamara: you have class to get to. I'll call you with any updates
Jackson: we'll talk about it on the way to the station
They go to the car and head over to the station. They get up to the main level and are greeted by Nyla and Angela
Tamara: hey
Nyla: hi. Nice to see you again Jackson, wish it was under better circumstances
Jackson: same
They shake hands
Angela: we did a deep dive on the recent cases that we've been getting
Jackson: and you found one that related?
Nyla: yes
Tamara: what is it?
Angela: the suspect kidnaps young mothers and leaves the child unscathed. We find the mothers a week later
Tamara: dead?
Nyla: yes. But we won't let that happen to Lucy
Tamara: how dead are there when you find them?
Angela: a couple days at most
Tamara: which means we only have a couple days to find her
Jackson's mom calls him
Jackson: I've gotta take this
Tamara: ok
Jackson walks away
Jackson: hey mom
Jackson's mom: where the hell are you?
Jackson: I'm at the police station
Jackson's mom: what the hell? Your supposed to be in class!
Jackson: please don't yell
Jackson's mom: are you hungover?! Is that why your there? Did you get arrested?
Jackson: no mom. I'll tell you about it later
Jackson's mom: no Jackson
Jackson: bye
Jackson hangs up and he turns his ringer off
Tamara: what was that about?
Jackson: nothing important
Tamara: I know it was your mom
Jackson: it's nothing, I promise. I'll just talk to her tonight
Tamara: ok, if that's what you wanna do. But I highly suggest that you go and talk to her now
Jackson: I wanna be here for you T. You were there for me when I got shot and through therapy, both mental and physical. I just wanna be here for you
Tamara: I get that, I really do. But you can't be getting in trouble with your mom for me. I don't want you to have a messed up parental situation because of me
Jackson: it won't be because of you. She just needs to remember how it was when she was young, and how she wanted to be able to be there for others without having to worry about going home afterwards
Nyla: I can assure you that's not the case. She probably just wants you safe
Jackson: she wants to control me. I mean she wants me to switch colleges to get as far away from La as possible
Tamara: wait what?
Jackson: she thinks that it's just LA, but it's not. Bad things happen everywhere, anytime. She just needs to learn that. And I'm not letting her take me away from you
Angela: young love
Theo starts to fuss
Tamara: shh, shh
Tamara puts his car seat down on the table
Tamara: I don't want her to take you away from me either, but it's your mom. What can you really do?
Jackson: stay. I'm old enough to be in college, so why can't I be old enough to be here myself. I mean she's the one who followed me to college and can't leave me alone
Nyla: it's what a mother does
Jackson: I know parents love their kids, and I love my mom too. But she makes me feel gentle. Even before I got shot, and I can't feel like that. Especially not anymore. Let's get back to the case shall we
Angela: yes
Tamara: I'll stay in here with the baby
Nyla: ok
The others go to the desks while Tamara calls Tim
Tim-it's about time you called
Tamara: yeah and I can hang up too
Tim: can you please just tell me if she's ok?
Tamara: the baby's fine, he's with me and Jackson
Tim: that's great, but it's not what I asked
Tamara: he has bottles here and blankets
Tim: still great, and still not what I asked. How's Lucy?
Tamara: it's not great news for luce
Tim: what happened?
Tamara: she was kidnapped
Tim: what?!
Tamara: yeah, and her kidnapping is connected to a case
Jackson barges in
Jackson: we found a break in the case
He sits down at the table and Tamara puts the phone on speaker and sets it down
Tim: what's going on?
Jackson: we found a break. So you know how the killer kidnaps young moms?
Tim: killer?
Tamara: yeah
Jackson: well the thing is, he only kidnaps boy's moms
Tamara: what generally happens to the boys
Jackson: not real damage. I mean they either find close relatives or stick them in foster care
Tamara: and that's not damaging?
Jackson: I'm sorry, what I meant was, they can't remember what happened to their moms since their so young
Tim: is there anything connecting to the victims directly
Jackson: all of the moms have Asian descendants
Tim: so they have a thing against Asian moms raising boys?
Jackson: it appears so, but there might be more to it. I'm gonna go back out there and get caught up
Tamara: ok
Jackson leaves the rooms
Tim: you didn't care to mention that all of the moms were killed
Tamara: that's not going to happen to Lucy. You've saved her before, she can be saved again
Tim: only because I put her in that position. I told her to go out with the kidnapper the first time, she didn't wanna go
Tamara: yeah but she wanted us to leave this time. She wanted to be alone. It's nobody's fault Tim. I've gotta go
Tim: Tamara!
She hangs up and logs onto her computer she has kept at the office. She looks into recent cases and finds something disturbing involved two different cases that are rarely similar. The last victim of the killer was found barely alive. She had a pulse when she was found, but died before arriving to the hospital. Tamara runs out of the room to inform the group.
Tamara: I found something
Angela: what?!
Tamara: yeah apparently the last victim was found alive. She died before arriving to the hospital though
Nyla: has anybody found any patterns or something that could relate the killer to these moms?
Jackson: I can't believe we missed this. Not only is this person killing moms of Asian descendant, the moms are also in the police force. All the records show that each victim was a police officer of Asian descendant. So it's not just Asian moms. And look at this....
Everybody crowds around him and the computer
Jackson: it looks like there's a pattern in where the victims are dropped. It's making a circle around LA. And Al of these spots are the same distance apart
Tamara:so if we find the exact spot where the next victim should be?
Angela: then we'll find Lucy and hopefully catch this killer. We need to find something that could help us track down the killer before Lucy is found almost dead

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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