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Back with Tamara.
She gets back to the apartment at about 10 pm. She goes in with Jackson
Tamara; looks like we'll have the apartment to ourselves for a minute
Jackson; ok. So what do you wanna do?
Tamara: I mean
Tamara kisses him and they make out for a minute, until Tamara gets a text from an unknown number
The text message said, "if you don't get away now, I'll make you get away"
Tamara: what the hell?
Jackson: what?
Tamara shows him the Jackson
Jackson; I think you should tell Lucy about this
Tamara: she'll be back later
Jackson: I mean now. What if this is happening to other people that know them?
Tamara: ok
Tamara calls Lucy
Lucy: hey Tamara
Tamara: hey what are you doing?
Lucy: just waiting for the results of my blood screening. What's going on?
Tamara: I just got a text message from an unknown number threatening me to get away
Lucy; what?!
Lucy sits straight up
Tim: what's going on?
Lucy puts the phone on speaker
Tamara: yeah they told me to get away or their gonna make me get away
Tim: you should head into the station. I'll meet up with you there
Tamara: ok. Let's go
Lucy: whose with you?
Jackson; hi
Tim; and this is?
Tamara: my boyfriend. We can get into details later. We'll meet you at the station
Tim: ok
Lucy: be safe
Tamara: we'll try
Tamara hangs up and they go to the car in the parking garage
Jackson: I guess we're gonna have introduce me to them at some point
Tamara: yeah
Tamara sees a gun raise up from a car
Tamara: gun!
The guy shoots Jackson twice and then drives off
Tamara: JACKSON!
Tamara calls 911
911- what's your emergency?
Tamara: my boyfriend was just shot by some black Hyundai
911- where are you?
Tamara: the parking garage of the sunshine apartments
911- the ambulance is on its way. Is he still breathing?
Tamara: yeah, he's still conscious and breathing
Jackson: hi baby
Tamara: hey it's gonna be ok
Jackson: you should go
Tamara; no I'm not leaving you
Jackson: you should
Tamara: no it was my fault you got shot
Jackson: no it's not. I know the guy who shot me
Tamara: what? Who is it?
Jackson: it's my ex boyfriend
Tamara: who?
Jackson: ha
Jackson passes out
Tamara: no come on. Wake up. Please hurry
Tamara starts to cry
Tamara: wake up please!
The ambulance gets there
RA: hi. Do you guys have any leads on who it was?
Tamara: he said it was his ex boyfriend who drove by and shot him
RA: do you have any idea who it was?
Tamara: no. I have no idea who his ex boyfriend is. He started to say ha, but it could be plenty of names
RA; ok. Do you wanna ride with him there?
Tamara: yeah. It's Shaw memorial, right?
RA: yes
Tamara: ok. His mom is on the way there right now
RA: let's go then
They get Jackson into the ambulance and Tamara hops in so they head to the hospital. They rush Jackson into surgery and Tim calls Tamara
Tamara: hey Tim
Tim can hear the sadness in her voice
Tim: what is it?
Tamara: nothing. What's going on?
Tim: well I'm gonna be a little late to the station
Tamara: oh yeah
Tim: wait are you not there yet either?
Tamara: no I'm at the hospital
Tim: what happened?
Tamara: Jackson was shot
Tim: yeah but that happened a while ago. Wait, is your boyfriends name Jackson?
Tamara: yeah
Tim: I'll be there in a sec, ok. Lucy's in the bathroom
Tamara: I can wait for the both of you
Tim: I know, but the doctor said that we'll probably be here for the rest of the night since the lab is pretty slow tonight
Tamara: ok. I'll see you when you get here I guess
Tim: ok
Tim hangs up and rushes over to the waiting room and sees Tamara. He runs over there and hugs her
Tim: I'm sorry
Tamara: it's fine Tim
Tim: no it's not. I can promise you that we're gonna find who did this to him
Tamara: thank you
Jackson's mom walks in and runs over to Tamara
Jackson's mom: what the hell happened?
Tim let's go of Tamara
Tamara: we were about to go somewhere and then his ex boyfriend drove by and shot him
Jackson's mom: I always knew that kid was trouble
Tamara: who is he?
Jackson's mom: Harry vasco
Tim: we'll put his name through the system, see if anything comes up. Do either of you know where he could be staying?
Jackson's mom: last I heard he was living on the street
Tamara: I think I actually knew a Harry while I wasn't living with you and Lucy
Tim: do you think you could identify him if we pulled him on as the driver?
Tamara: I didn't really see him good enough. But Jackson did.
Tim: ms
Jackson's mom: please, call me Karla
Tim: ok. Do you think you could have Jackson identify him after he pulls through?
Jackson's mom: yeah
Tim gets a call from Lucy
Tim: I'm going to go take this really quick
Tim walks away and answers
Tim: hey
Lucy: hey where'd you go?
Tim: cafeteria, I got hungry
Lucy: seriously. I know you'd never touch that food
Tim: I'll explain when I get back
Lucy: ok
Tim: did you get the results back yet?
Lucy: no not yet
The doctor walks in
Lucy: but the doctor just walked in
Tim; I'll be there in a minute
Tim hangs up
Tim: I've gotta go Tamara
Tamara: I'll go with you. I'll be back ms Karla
Jackson's mom: ok. I'll let you know if Jackson gets out of surgery
Tamara: thanks
Tim and Tamara head to Lucy's room
Lucy: hey Tamara
Tamara: hey
Doctor: is this your daughter?
Lucy: um
Tamara: kind of. It's a long explanation
Doctor: ok. Well you tested negative for basically all of the diseases that you could have
Tim: but?
Doctor: your blood did test positive for iron deficiency anemia. It's when you don't have enough iron
Lucy: ok?
Doctor: you explained earlier how you were feeling faint and looking pale today, both of those are symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. There's also weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness, headaches, shortness of breath, or craving or chewing ice. Severe anemia symptoms are a rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, which you do have, and difficulty concentrating
Lucy: that's a lot to take in
Tamara starts to cry a little
Lucy: hey it's ok
Lucy holds out her arms for a hug and Tamara hugs her
Lucy: is that it?
Doctor: yes. If you are not consuming enough iron, I will prescribe you an iron supplement
Lucy: ok. So that's the only thing I tested positive for?
Doctor: yes. Now I would like to monitor you overnight for health purposes. You should be feeling better tomorrow with these iron supplements
The doctor hands Lucy some iron supplements
Lucy: thanks. So I'll be good to go back to work tomorrow?
Doctor: you should be yes
Lucy: ok. Thank you
Doctor: mhmm
The doctor leaves
Tamara starts to cry a little more
Lucy: come here
Tamara lies down on the bed next to Lucy
Lucy: what's going on? I know it's not just this. Were you already here?
Tamara: yeah. My boyfriend was shot by his ex
Lucy: wait what? His ex?
Tamara: yeah. Apparently his ex boyfriend wasn't too happy about them breaking up. His mom said she never had a good feeling about him
Lucy: I'm sorry
Lucy kind of cradles Tamara on the bed
Tim: I'll got Angela and Nyla on the case tomorrow
Tamara: thank you
Tim: yeah of course. Are you gonna go to school tomorrow?
Tamara: no. I'll probably just stay here in case he needs anything
Tim: ok. Just call me and I'll bring you something
Tamara: thanks Tim
Tim: we're family, whether you like it or not
Tamara: I guess it's not that bad living with two superhero cops
Lucy: yeah it's not the worst
They all laugh a little
They stay the night at the hospital and wake up early the next day to go home
The doctor comes into the room
Lucy: oh hey doc
Doctor: hey. Your free to go now. And I got some news on Jackson
Tamara sits up
Tamara: and?
Doctor: he's going to be fine. The doctor removed the bullets successfully and he should make a full recovery
Tamara: oh my god
Lucy: that's great
Doctor: it is. He's lucky
Tamara: I guess. Is it ok with you guys if I meet you guys at the car?
Lucy: we can just wait in the waiting room for you
Tamara: ok
They go to the waiting room and Tamara visits Jackson. He wakes up when she walks into the room
Jackson: hi baby
Tamara: hey
Jackson: come here
Tamara sits on the bed next to him
Tamara: I'm sorry all of this happened to you
Jackson: I'm not
Tamara: what?
Jackson: if it wasn't me, it would've been you. I'm just glad your ok
Tamara: yeah I'm all good physically. I mean I'm a little messed up mentally
Jackson: yeah I'm a little messed up in the head too
Tamara: we'll I've gotta go, but I'll be back later
Jackson: ok
Jackson kisses her and she walks to the waiting room
Tamara: bye ms Karla. I've gotta go
Jackson's mom: ok. Bye honey
Tamara hugs her and she leaves with Tim and Lucy. They head back to the apartment to get ready
Lucy: do you want us to drop you off at school?
Tamara; I'll just go to the station today with you guys
Lucy: ok. Well I'm getting back out on patrol today, so you can hang with Angela and Nyla
Tim: are you sure Lucy?
Lucy: I'm not having this conversation again
Tim: ok
Tamara: are you sure Nyla and Angela will be cool with that?
Lucy: totally, they love hanging out with you
Tamara: ok
They get ready and then head over to the station. They get there kinda early
Lucy: I am gonna go raid the vending machines
Tamara: I am gonna come with you cause I am starving
Lucy: let's go then
Tamara and Lucy head over to the vending machines
Tamara: so?
Lucy: hm?
Tamara: I can sense the tension between you and Tim
Lucy: I just don't like being treated like I can't do anything
Tamara: and we're treating you like that?
Lucy: I mean, I just don't want to be treated like I'm fragile
Tamara: we know your not. Me and Tim just want you to be careful
Lucy: I know, and I am
Tamara: it's just, there's already the risk of you being out there all day every day, and now adding the pregnancy and iron deficiency anemia. There's just a lot that could go wrong, and we could lose you
Lucy: I won't let that happen
Tamara: you can't say that, because you don't know what's gonna happen on shift. I mean you could go to a case about a smell and end up being involved in a bomb. Or you could get ambushed
Lucy: yeah, but that's not out of the usual
Tamara; there's just more of a risk now, and that could affect how you are out there. What if you puke or something on the crime scene? Or you get beaten up by a suspect
Lucy: Tamara. You didn't have a problem with this before
Tamara: yeah I did. But you didn't have a disease that could weaken you out there, and you only had one life to think about. But now you have two to think about
Lucy: yeah. Let's get some snacks and head back. I'm sure Tim is pretty worried right about now
Tim texts Lucy asking where their at
Lucy; see
Lucy shows Tamara the text
Tamara: yeah let's go
Lucy: hold up
The snacks come out
Lucy: now we can go
They grab the snacks and head back
Tim: where have you been?
Tamara: snacks took a while to get out of the machine
Tim: ok. Roll call is about to start
Lucy: let's get in there
They head into roll call and sit down. Tamara goes to the front with sergeant grey and Tim. Lucy sits next to Nyla and Angela
Angela: how's Tamara?
Lucy: no idea. She wanted to stay at the station today instead of going to school
Nyla: that's understandable
Grey: we have an addition to the detectives today, and today only. Tamara Colins. Please introduce yourself
Tamara; hey. I'm Tamara. No I don't have a gun or badge. But I do have some intel on a new case
Tim: as of 8 pm last night, Harry Vasco had been on the run after a drive-by in the parking garage of the sunshine apartments. There have been three victims in this case so far
Tamara: they are Jackson daniels, Gabriel Gomez, and kyan Finley. They were all associated with Harry in some way. They were roommates, exes, and drug dealers. All three of them had crossed Harry, so he decided to get revenge
Tim: yes and we need to get all of the information on people who have ever crossed paths with Harry vasco
Grey: Harper, Lopez. Tamara will be joining you two today
Nyla: got it
Grey: Nolan, you and Chen will be paired up today
Nolan: yes sir
Grey; that'll be all
They all leave the roll call room
Lucy: Nolan
Nolan: yeah
Lucy: can you get the shop ready? I'll meet you down there
Nolan: sure
Nolan leaves
Lucy walks over to Tamara and the detectives
Nyla: Chen, we got this
Lucy: no I know that. I just want to make sure that you've got her
Tamara: I'll be good luc, I promise
Lucy: it's not about that. If you get another text from that number, call me. I just need to make sure that nobody's coming after you too today
Tamara: ok
Angela: seriously Lucy. We'll make sure she's safe
Tamara: they got me
Lucy: ok. I will see you guys when I get back. She better be in one piece when I get back
Nyla: is that a threat?
Lucy: no it's a promise
Angela: now I'm scared
Lucy: you should be
Tamara: ok I think it's time to get to work
Lucy: ok
Lucy leaves and joins Nolan in the shop
Nolan; you all good?
Lucy: yep. Let's go
They hit the streets

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