Iwaoi | Distracting

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Iwaizumi was sitting in a cafe concentrating on his work in front of him. It worked quite well for about an hour, until a gorgeous man walked into the cafe.

He was smitten the moment he saw him. Chocolate colored hair, dark brown eyes, slender figure, basically a model. His T-shirt had an alien print which quite frankly Iwaizumi thought was cute.

He was sure that he could not finish his work with the man in his lane of vision or anywhere close to him. Deciding enough was enough he packed up and went towards the beauty.

"Excuse me.", the man turned around. Up close he was even more breathtaking then from a distance.

"I'm just trying to do my work, but you're very distracting."

The man blushed a bit. A red hue covered his perfect face. God Iwaizumi was smitten, did he mention that already? Probably, but he didn't care.

"May I sit?"

"Yes of course.", his smooth voice confident but still welcoming was enough to make anyone's day if seeing him wasn't enough.

"So how am I distracting?"

"Well when having someone as attractive as you in ones lane of vision it starts getting difficult to concentrate and not to stare."

"That wasn't my intention.", you could hear the playfulness in his voice.

"I'm Oikawa Tooru by the way.", he stuck his hand out. They shook hands and Iwaizumi introduced himself.

Their little chat turned into an entire conversation until it started getting dark.

Oikawa stood up: "Well it's getting late. I enjoyed talking to you Iwa-chan."

While the latter was comprehend the nickname he slipped a note across the table and left the cafe.

Iwaizumi looked down at the small piece of paper in front of him.

Hope I'll see you again Iwa-chan♡



This is shorter than expected sry😭

Hope you liked it. I love Iwaoi so I immediately took this chance to write about them.


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