Tsukkiyama | small moments

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Tsukkishima is and always has been a huge softie - but only to his adorably-cute-endearingly-shy boyfriend.

And that adorably-cute-endearingly-shy boyfriend is and always has been quite oblivious of that fact.

So painfully oblivious to the point where Tsukkishima could feed him his own food and he'd think that Kei'd do that for anyone.

But a recent thing that Tadashi has been doing for his salty boyfriend is sticking sticky notes on random places just for fun - it actually makes Kei's day though.

For instance when Tsukki doesn't bring lunch to school (which is something that happens too often) Yamaguchi prepares two lunch boxes for both of them and puts them into his locker secretly. Small notes like "Don't forget to eat♡", "I made your favorite savory food today! I hope you'll like it♡" and "Love you♡" are written in Yamaguchi's neat handwriting.

It's the best part of Tsukki's day and he secretly looks forward to lunch break to find his boyfriends homemade bentos.

Another example would be when Yamaguchi stays over at Kei's house, (which is quite often) he likes putting things in a specific order.

A typical occurrence are the pillows - he lays them into a neat half circle and curls up into it, kind of like a cat. And another typical occurrence would be Kei joining him in that half circle pressing butterfly kisses onto his freckles until the both fall into a slumber.

Tsukkishima absolutely loves Yamaguchi's freckles. He kisses them, connects them into constellations because - "You are my entire universe." - you could go as far as saying that he worships them.

They're both quite clingy when in private but in public there isn't even the slightest pda to be seen.

No one'd believe that the Tsukkishima Kei clings onto his boyfriend the moment their in the safety of his room and demands attention and cuddles like a whiny toddler.

Yamaguchi loves these moment unconditionally feeling content in cuddling his lover. Yes he's the big spoon and there's no arguing with that.

It's small moments like those that Kei and Tadashi absolutely adore of their relationship. It fills them with an almost sedative feeling. It's a certain warmth, a calming feeling, like butterflies in the stomach but their not excited just completely content with the current moment. It's a feeling that's indescribable too good to be true. Not that they'd ever complain. 



I've made an appearance again!🥳

I have like three one shots in my draft but I just can't finish them, but I'll try to bring out more chapters!

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