Daisuga | You stole my heart♥︎

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"Hey Dai!"

"Yes sugar?"

"Since you're a cop and all you haven't committed any crimes, right?"

"Yeah but I've been to the station, not as a cop though. It's because of Noya and Tanaka someday I'll have to arrest them if they keep on doing crazy stuff."

"But then that's not true cause you have committed a crime already!"

"Really? I didn't even know. What have I done?"

"You stole my heart. Theft is a crime.", giggles were heard from Suga.

"Guess you're right. I'll have turn myself in then.", Daichi stood up from the couch where he and Suga had been previously cuddling.

"Noooooooo. Come back I don't mind you stealing my heart cause I also stole yours."

They chuckled and Daichi walked back to the couch to continued their cuddle session.


Ok so this is more of a skit I guess?

I wanted to bring something out fast so this is what happened, I'm working on a Sakuatsu one shot right now and it'll probably come out sometime today.

See you later 👋 

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