Bokuaka | Rough lips

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Slowly they were inching closer to each other, Bokuto made sure to leave a small space in between his and Akaashi's lips so that the latter could always move away if he felt uncomfortable.

He was trying to be a considered partner to his "new" boyfriend by not pushing him too much or creating tense atmospheres. He was really trying! But after being together for almost half a year, not having kissed on the lips at least once is a bit unusual.

Unusual not weird. Just something that Bokuto has to get used to. He really wants to kiss Akaashi's soft lips - did he have soft lips? or rough ones? did they taste like a flavored chapstick or-

You get the point - Koutaro was nearing his breaking point. He'd never been one for patience and he really didn't want much, just one small peck and he'd be good.

Back to leaning in. The tall spiker is panicking internally - do I have morning breath? how do you kiss again? oh by the volleyball obsessed men in this world - he's not ready for this.

But he didn't want to move away, this was his chance! It was an early Saturday morning at 'kaashi's apartment. Struggling to make themselves a small second breakfast they sat down at the kitchen counter and after the ace had wiped away a speck of yogurt from Keiji's face the moment had arrived. It's perfect, he's perfect, this'll be perfect.

And Akaashi did in fact not turn away immediately but that peck really was just a peck. Only lasting a jiffy. A JIFFY! That's 1/60th of a second. A MILLISECOND!

Now that he's gotten what he wanted he craved more. So very human - to be greedy, to want more, to be dissatisfied. However he couldn't tell his boyfriend that, so he smiled and the kept on eating as if nothing had happened.

Oh how he wished he hadn't done that. Why pretend to forget if he couldn't forget, if he remembered forever and never experience the sensation again? These thoughts were the ones plaguing him late at night.

Subsequent to that never forgotten moment and day, another opportunity was created for them.

Bokuto and Akaashi were watching a movie in Akaashi's house again, similar to that day. The movie was boring but it's fine, since they're close to each other sitting together, cuddling.

At a particularly funny moment that Ko had missed as he'd been gazing at his lover, said lover turned to him laughing and happy the moment frozen in time. Bo admiring the beautiful view displayed to him and only him.

A soft whisper escaped the speechless man's mouth before he could think to stop himself: "Can I kiss you?"

Yes he feared rejection but the thrill before the potential fall was addictive to him - so he left the words hanging in the air.

Then: "Yes.", only a faint breath.

Koutaro threw his hands up into the air and whisper yelled 'YES!' making Akaashi giggle.

The mood wasn't destroyed yet so both leaned in. This was new for the couple. Holding each other so closely passionately making out - not harmlessly kissing, making out!

Who'd have thought that Akaashi was nearly desperate for this, that Bokuto wasn't the only one craving this, this moment. They didn't even take their time to breathe properly.

Sucking each others lips bruised just to not have to separate as if they'd die if the did. The movie in the background forgotten. This was theirs, their moment nothing else was relevant in those minutes, hours, decades that they spent leeching on each others faces.

They didn't care if time kept on going, life keeping on moving without them. They couldn't care less, but Koutaro started coming back to his senses when he tasted the unpleasant flavor in his new addiction.

Bilelike? No blood! Why was he tasting blood? Hurried he pulled back panic painting his features. When he did Keiji chased him the gesture making Bokuto's heart swell with affection.

"Why'd you pull away.", Keiji nearly whined.

"Did I hurt you? Are you okay?", of course he wanted to continue where they left off his worry overshadowed those feeling though.

"No, why would you think that?", his drugged-state temporarily gone.

The owl-like man moved closer to the confused setter's face, which was next to him. Excited thinking that they would keep at their heated make out session Keiji leaned closer closing his eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to!", Akaashi opened his eyes realizing that they were in fact not making out.

"What do you mean? Why are you sorry?"

"Your lower lip is bleeding. I don't remember biting you that hard? If I hurt you should have told me to stop."

Finally understanding his concerned boyfriend's worries he chuckled lightly.

"I have very dry and broken lips it's not your fault, owlet.", they both chuckled at that, whenever Keiji used that ridiculous pet name for Koutaro he knew that he really meant it.

"So now that that's out of the way now can we continue where left off?"


I'm actually really proud of this😌

The characters are a bit out of character from how I wrote them in another fic or one shot but I didn't know what other ship to use for this idea.

So yeah love ya bye 😘 

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