Daisuga | Burned cooking

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"Hey sugar I'm home!", Daichi called to his boyfriend of four years.

"Hey Dai I'm in the kitchen dinners almost ready.", he replied with a mhh then decided to check on his work.

Becoming a cop sure wasn't easy but Suga had Daichi's back and that's all he needed to be able to make it through.

He went into the kitchen.

"I sure hope you didn't burn the kitchen down trying to make dinner."

"Hey I'm not that bad of a cook!", even if Suga may act motherly at times he sure was a chaotic person once you got to know him. So it often came as a surprise that he couldn't cook.

Correction: couldn't cook to a certain extent.

"Anyways I need to get some groceries. Anything I need to add?"

"Just some ice cream please."

"The usual?"


Daichi had a drivers license and was quite proud of it. Suga literally crashed a car and was to scared to try and redo his drivers license, so you could say that Daichi was his personal driver.

When he arrived home from the grocery store Suga looked surprised.

"What? Surprised I didn't crash the car?", usually Suga would get mad at him because he brought that up but he smirked and answered.

"Nope just surprised to see you're not in jail for driving all of those guys crazy."

"That was such a bad pick up line. Also you know that I'm a cop in training?"

"Yes I do know now give me my ice cream."

"First actual food!"

"About that..."

"You burned it?"



These r so short and don't have plot. Hahah 😂 my sick brain can't think of any actual plot. My brain is fried. 

If you have any request pls just request anything though I won't write smut, Angst would be okay if it isn't really bad like someone ends up dying😓

Double update btw in a few mins

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