Getting closer ?

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?: holy crap do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people 

Wednesday: it's more of a hobby 

?: you go to nevermore didn't realize they changed the uniform 

Wednesday: we need a quad over ice it's an emergency 

?: ummm

The girl with brown hair looked confused same with y/n 

Wednesday: it's four shots of espresso 

?: y-y yea I know what a quand is but spoiler alert the espresso machine is having a seizure so all we have is drip 

The girl then looked at a man that was pouring something in his cup then looked back at us 

Wednesday: but drip is only for people who hate themselves and know there lives haves no real purpose or meaning 

Y/n: w-Wednesday dont s-say t-that 

The man who was pouring drip inside his cup then looked at the girl he then left his cup and walked away 

Wednesday: what's wrong with your machine 

?: it's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian 

The girl was holding the instructions paper Wednesday let go of your hand and went behind the counter and took the paper away from her 

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now