Principal Weems

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That was a disaster 

Principal Weems said as she walk back and forth Wednesday who was now in her office sitting on the chair elegantly not seeming to care 

The mayor is furious, I've lost count of the angry phone calls, emails and people in town alumni parents they want answers and so do I 

Yelled principal Weems pointing furiously at Wednesday but Wednesday seems very calm almost too calm

I would lead inquisition, but I let my thumbscrews and rack at home 

Wednesday replied principal Weems seemed to get even more annoyed 

Mr Addams you're already on thin ice, wafer-thin ice 

I swear on my late scorpion's soul my hands are clean 

Wednesday said still keeping calm not really taking principle Weems seriously 

I may not have hard evidence but I see you, your a trouble magnet 

If trouble means standing up to lies 

Wednesday interrupted principle Weems getting up from his eat 

Decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens or worse

 Wednesday made his way to principal Weems 

What are you talking about 


Wednesday replied immediately 

Why does this town even have an outreach day, don't you know it's real history with outcast, the actual story of Joseph crackstone?

Principal Weems looked away complicating something she knows something 

I do, to an extent 

Then why why be complicit in its cover up, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it 

That's where you and I differ, where you see doom, I see opportunity maybe this is the chance to rewrite the wrongs, to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relation 

Nothing has changed since crackstone they still hate us, only they sugarcoat it with platitudes and smiles. If your willing to fight for the truth 

You don't think I want the truth 

Principal Weems snapped 

Of course I do, but the world isn't always black and white there are shades of grey 

Maybe for you, but it's either you write the story or we do you can't have it both ways 

Your exhausting 

I know 

Principal Weems stared intensely at Wednesday before sighing 

Goodnight mr Addams 

Wednesday turned around and started making his way out 

But you should know 

Wednesday stopped looking back

I don't tire easily 

Wednesday looked at her thinking something before walking away 

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now