Jealous ?

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I'm skipping some parts because there not important 

Wednesday then went to go sit beside you while you were using your magic for fun but then your eye caught something 3 boys outside one of them were pointing at you and Wednesday while the others were talking bad about you guys they then walked into the shop walking up to you and Wednesday 

?: what's two nevermore freaks doing here out in the wild 

?: this is our both

Y/n: o-oh w..we can l-leave 

Wednesday: why are you three dressed like reilgious fanatics 

The boys then gave Wednesday a confused look while one of them winked at you 

?: were pilgrims 

Wednesday: potato pa-tah-to

?: we work at pilgrim world 

One of the boys flipped a paper on the table showing a man and woman and showed it to us Wednesday slide the paper so he could see it 

Wednesday: it takes a special type of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide 

Y/n: w-Wednesday!

The guy who shows us the paper then frowned 

?: my dad owns pilgrim world who you calling stupid 

Wednesday then gave him a dark stare 

Wednesday: if the buckled shoe fits 

Taylor: guys back off 

You turn around to see Taylor the girl you met earlier you don't quite like her just because how close she's getting to Wednesday Taylor pushed one of the boys aside

 ?: stay out of this galpin 

Wednesday: yea stay out of this 

Wednesday then stood up facing the boy in front of him

?: so tell me . ever been with a normie 

Wednesday: I've never found one that can handle me 

They then had an intense starring contest when Wednesday moved forward a little 

Wednesday: boo

The boy backed up but one of the boys grabbed Wednesday shoulder and tried punching him but Wednesday kicked him in the nuts 

Y/n: w-Wednesday s-stop! 

But then another boy tried to punch him but Wednesday moved away making him hit the boy in front Wednesday grabbed his arm and broke it and pushed him forward making him crash into the same boy he then fell but then Wednesday pushed the boy he was holding the tall boy then tried punching Wednesday throwing more punches at him but failed as Wednesday was just doging Wednesday then spined around and kicked him in the jaw making him fall hard 

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now