New friend ?

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Wednesday: I need a tri-wing screwdriver and a four millimeter Allen wrench 

?: wait you read Italian 

Wednesday: of course it's the native tongue of Machiavelli here's the deal I'm going to fix your coffee machine then your going to make us our coffee and call us a taxi 

Y/n: uhh no taxis are in Jericho Wednesday 

?: try Uber ?

Wednesday: I don't have a phone I refuse to be a slave to technology 

?: then your out of luck where you guys going anyway 

Wednesday: that's on a need to know basis what about train 

While Wednesday was talking he was fixing the coffee machine 

?: nearest station is Burlington it's half an hour away 

Wednesday: you have a Valve issue I've seen it before 

?: where you have one of these monster at home 

Wednesday: steam powered guillotine i built it when I was ten I wanted to decapitate my dolls more efficiently 

The girl look a little concerned 

?: sure grim reaper ken makes perfect sense 

Wednesday then was done fixing the coffee machine 

?: wow thanks I never met a nevermore kid who got their hands dirty 

?: im Tylor by the way I didn't catch your name or is that a need to know basis too 

At this point y/n felt left out so she just went to sit down in an empty seat

Wednesday: Wednesday 

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now