A little update

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Later in the woods you and Wednesday we're going to the location Taylor told him about you were using your magic to grow a fire ball in your hand for light as you and Wednesday made your way to the old meeting house 

Wednesday took off his bag placing it on the ground thing then came out Wednesday was looking around while you picked up thing, thing then did sign language to communicate with Wednesday 

*i was expecting more too*

A figure slowly appeared behind Wednesday 

*who you talking to little boy*

*use the word "little" and "boy" to address me again and I can't guarantee your safety*

The homeless guy started getting angry 

*this is my place you little kids get out*

Wednesday just turned to look at thing who was now in your hands

*thing a hand here*

Thing hoped off from your hands crawling up the homeless guy choking him Wednesday watched as the guy struggled to get thing off you on the other hand was to busy looking around and trying to ignore the guys struggling and grunts

The guy finally ripped thing off and ran away thing then went back 

*there's nothing here*

Wednesday said looking around with you thing then started tapping 

*no I can't just touch something my visions seems to happen spontaneously*

Thing started to hand signal more Wednesday started to get a little pissed

*id rather dye my hair pink then ask my mother for advice*

Then then went to go touch wood

*oh you want me to prove it to you*

Wednesday then touched a tree


Then the wood wall

*nothing I bet this will gives us some real insight*

Wednesday then held up a Taco Bell bag then swinging his head back pretending to have a vision 

*my vision ps are as predictable as a shark attacks*

*Wednesday calm down thing was just suggesting*

You said grabbing his bag and handing it to him Wednesday didn't say anything took his bag and started walking to the door just as he placed his hand on the door his head swing back you quickly went to catch him before he fell

Tomorrow or later today I will write more i pretty much rushed through this sorry guys 

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now