Getting closer?

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Weems: dr kinbott's office is on the second floor other nevermore students swear by her 

Wednesday: and you'll be waiting here until I'm done 

Weems: perhaps afterwards we can visit the weathervane for hot chocolate 

Wednesday: principal Weems this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you 

Wednesday opened the door as principal Weems face dropped 

Wednesday: and chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade 

Wednesday was about to shut the door 

Weems: given your history I'm sure you're intent on running away I'm here to prevent that from happening 

Wednesday glared at her 

Wednesday: I wish you luck 

Then Wednesday shut the door 

?: I read the notes from your school counselor 

Wednesday: mrs. bronstien she had a nervous breakdown after our last  session and had a six mount sabbatical 

?: go ahead and take a seat how did you feel about that 

Wednesday: vindicated but someone who crochets for a hoppy isn't a worthy adversary 

?: adversary? I Hope we can forge a relationship based on trust and mutual respect this is a safe space Wednesday a sanctuary where we can discuss anything what your thinking feeling your views on the world personal philosophy 

Wednesday: that's easy I think this is a waste of time I see the world as a place that must be endured and my personal philosophy is kill or be killed 

?: so for instance when someone bullied your brother your response is to dump piranhas in the pool

Wednesday: you know the old saying never bring a knife to a sword fight unless it's concealed 

?: the point is you assaulted a boy and showed no remorse for your actions that's why your here 

Wednesday: he lost a testicle I did the world a favour people like dolton shouldn't procreate I've answered all your questions 

Wednesday then got up from his seat 

?: were not done yet 

Wednesday: then sat back down glaring at the lady 

?: therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself it can teach you new ways on how to handle your emotions it can also help you know the life that you want 

Wednesday: I know the life that I want 

?: tell me about it everything said in this sessions is strictly confidential do your plans involve becoming an author I've understand you've written three novels about a teen girl detective viper de la muerte can you tell me about her 

Wednesday: viper is smart, perceptive, chronically misunderstood 

?: any Luke getting your work published 

Wednesday: editors are short-sighted fear-based life forms one once described my writing as gratuitously morbid and suggested I seek psychiatric help ironic isn't it 

?: how did you take that 

Wednesday: I sent her a thank you I've always been open to constructive criticism 

?: im glad to hear that because I was sent the manuscript's as part of your psych evaluations the relationship I find most intriguing was that of viper and her mother Dominica why don't we dig into that Wednesday part of this journey requires us going to uncomfortable places emotionally 

Wednesday: I don't travel well would you mind if I use the powder room first 

The lady then pointed to a room Wednesday got up and went inside locking door he then bumped into a table making things fall 

? Wednesday are you okay in there you can't hide in there for the rest of the session 

Wednesday: I'm alright just preparing myself for an uncomfortable journey 

Wednesday then tapped on his bag 

Wednesday: nail file 

Thing then handed Wednesday the tool Wednesday walked up to the window and started picking the lock he opened the window and walked out he then climbed down using a pipe he started walking around when he saw principal Weems car he quickly walked past it he then bumped into a man holding a create of apples his head then moved up having anther vision his head then went back to normal as looked at the man 

?: who let you out you god dam wiredo 

Wednesday then walked into a cafe y/n then walked up to him 

Y/n: d-did you finished  

Wednesday: no I just escaped 

Y/n: y-you what 

Wednesday just grabbed your hand pulling you to a girl who seems to be having trouble with a machine

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now