More information about the meeting house

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Xavier was cleaning up some plates when he saw Wednesday looking at a billbored 

*i thought you were sopouse to be at pilgrim world*

Wednesday turned to look at him

*i deserted it while my sanity was still intact*

Wednesday replied walking up to where Xavier was 

*oh yeah want a coffee it's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment* 

Just then you came in holding a cup of coffee

* were actually here for Taylor sadly....*

You whispered the last part hoping no one heard you while you took a sip of your coffee ( any kind of coffee you like) Xavier hesitated 

*i told you she was bad news* 

*twice but who I speak to is my business*

Wednesday said coldly before ringing the bell just as he ran the same familier brown medium long hair Taylor came in you slightly rolled your eyes

*you rang?*

Taylor questioned looking at everyone confused Xavier scoffs before leaving 

*want the usual* 

Taylor asked you glared at her 

*and some help*

Wednesday said pulling out a map and placing it on a table near by

*you know the original pilgrim meeting house the one from the 1600's you know if it's still around*

Wednesday asked staring at her a bit to closely 

*i mean what's left is out in cobham woods but it's pretty much in ruins*

*show me* 

Taylor hesitated before pointing where it is on the map

*there but look it's kinda sketchy squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad my dad has it cleared out every couple weeks what's this about*

Taylor finally asked 


Wednesday said as he puts away the map Taylor started to smile a little 

*your really becoming obsessed with this monster in the woods thing* 

*would you rather I develop an obsession with horses and boy bands thank you for the help* 

Wednesday grabbed your hand and started to walk away 

*hey listen the ruins are kinda  a tricky find* 

Wednesday stopped in his tracks and turns around to face Taylor 

* i can take you this afternoon my shift ends at 2:00*

Taylor said clearly only talking about her and Wednesday 

* principal Weems hang draw and quarter me if I miss the big statue dedication and as enticing as that sound I'd rather keep a low profile besides I know my way around the great outdoors*

*don't tell me you were a boys scout* 

*i could eat boys scouts for breakfast actually I have an uncle who went to prison for that* 

Wednesday then left still holding your hand leaving confused Taylor behind 

Male Wednesday x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now