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You spat out your food, gagging on the horrendous taste.

Laughter that was echoing from the other side of the room caught your attention. Of course, it was that group of boys who always fucked around with you in the mess hall. You could catch a glimpse of a small box with a dead rat on it.

You slammed your tray of food into the trash and glared at that one specific man, König. You both had always hated each other but this was getting to a whole nother level and you were ready to take it up another.

You walked right behind the guy, he was still tall even when he was sitting down.

"Watch your ass, next time you slip something into my food it'll be your last fucking day."

You whispered to him before you left the room, grabbing a orange on the way out. You still had that disgusting taste in your mouth and you didn't get to eat dinner.

Great, just great.




You sat right across the meeting table from that same man you absolutely hated. You both were in the meeting room over the constant reports of some sort of confrontation between you two.

"Are you listening to me!?"

The Colonel yelled at you, your head snapped his way and nodded. It was obvious you weren't listening at all. He let out a sigh, his hand slapping over his face.

"You both need to stop being such fucking children! You don't need to be best friends or anything...Just stop being such petty toddlers! Do you little maggots understand?"

He snapped at both of you, causing you both to straighten up in your seats.

"Yes sir."

You said in union with König, The Colonel slammed one hand down onto the wooden table and pointed to the door with the other. You got the hint and left the room and back to your own but a hand stopped you from even stepping foot into your room.

"I don't care if you don't like me or not but if we have to do some sort of punishment together...I'm going to kill you"

You sighed and pushed his hand off of you, turning yourself back around so you could look him in the eyes.

"I don't care about how you feel, just fuck off for once you big bitch."

You stepped into your room and closed your door before König could even respond.




"3 weeks sweep the courtyard after P.T."




"You're pushing your shit into my portion!"

"No I'm not, just sweep it into the pile so we can be done with this."




"Move over."

"Whatever you want princess."




"Done yet big boy?"

You giggled, elbowing him in the side as he swept up the last of the leaves and dirt off of the courtyard.

You both had gotten quite close during this whole punishment, you wished it would last longer because you felt like you were getting through to him and he was finally showing his softer side to you.

"Yeah, I'm done. We can leave now"

He looked down at you, the skin under his eyes scrunching up a bit. He was smiling at you...You just wished you could lift up that veil of his and see that smile for once.

"Alright,I'll see you tomorrow. Last day of this shit too"

You smiled at him warmly, walking away from him and waving but you were stopped when his hand grabbed your wrist. You stopped in your tracks and stared at his hand that was around your wrist.

"Get in some more trouble and maybe this can last longer. Don't go back to being that same petty bitch after this is over, I'm beginning to like you"

You stood there puzzled by the words that came out of his mouth, his hand letting go of your wrist.

"What do you mean "like"?"

He shrugged and walked away from you, his hands in his pockets.

Leaving you to your own thoughts.

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