Is that a child?

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"It's so annoying when they just want us to keep drinking like camels. I don't want to walk home black out drunk."

You linked arms with König and walked out of the bar, the soft winter night breeze hitting your exposed skin. It was so quiet out at this time, the best time to take a walk through the little town back to your apartment.

You stopped at every shop window display to just stare in awe. All of the shops had a different eye-catching display. You dragged your companion into the shops, taking your sweet time looking through them.

"Isn't this such a cute summer hat!"

You giggled, looking at yourself in the mirror and spinning around. You tilted the hat in different directions.

"Wonderful...Can we get going, its getting really late"

You frowned and put the hat back down, linking your arm with his as you both exited the shop. You looked up into the black void of a sky above, was there even anything out there anymore? What if something just came down and ended all existence? What's beyond the earth that I know...

The sound of rushed footsteps startled you and König with both of you turning around to see what it was. The sound of footsteps stopped when you turned to look, a shadow of maybe an animal from behind a mail box that sat right on the edge of the sidewalk.

"Was ist das?"

You shrugged and crouched down, red little shoes peaking out from underneath the mailbox. You stood back up and tugged on his sleeve, pointing down under the mailbox.

"I think its a kid"

"Are you sure?"

He walked towards the box, whatever was behind it ran out from behind it and behind you. You stumbled back a bit, not really wanting the child to touch you.

"You were right."

König mumbled, walking towards the kid but he only seemed to startled them even more. They started screaming, hiding behind your legs.


They cried, pointing at the veiled man who was now stopped in his tracks. You tried to keep your giggles in but you couldn't, crouching down and holding your hand out. The child immediately grabbed your hand, trying to pull you with them away from König. You let the kid pull you along down the streets but you stopped them when you were about to miss the turn to your apartment complex.

You picked up the child and waited for your other half to catch up.

"Where are your parents?"

You squeezed the child's chubby cheeks, they were so adorable...I want to keep this cutie pie. The kid pulled your hand away from his face, the tears starting up again when König got close.

"Hey, okay okay. Calm down"

You held the child up to your shoulder so they weren't looking in his direction.

"I'll take it off."

He muttered and pulled the veil from his head, folding it up and shoving it in his pocket. You gave him a reassuring smile and kept walking towards your apartment.

"Do you know your parent's phone number?"

You placed the kid down so you could unlock the door. You pushed the door open and let the kid in first. You stood at the doorway and pinched the bridge of your nose.

"How are we going to find this kids parent? They won't even talk to me properly."

You groaned, kicking the floor below you a bit.

"Let's make sure the child is okay right now and later we can call the police station."

Konig past you and to find the child who had ran down the halls. You frowned and locked the door behind you, you went straight to the kitchen and looked through the snacks you had. Do kids like fruit bars? What did I like when I was a child.

"Missy! Help!"

The child ran to you and gripped onto your leg, tears streaming down their face once more. Konig stood where the kitchen met the living room, an aggravated look on his face.

"This kid's acting like I'm some kind of monster."

You grabbed a juice box out of your fridge and a pack of fruit snacks. You held them down to the child, they were immediately snatched from your hand.

"Well, you are like 4 times their height? Who wouldn't be scared of you."

He groaned and walked off into your bedroom, the door shutting behind him. You laughed and walked out of the kitchen to go sit on the couch. You waved the kid over and they joined you on the couch. They snatched up the remote and flipped through the channels.

You crossed your legs and took out your phone. Maybe someone else could tell you what to do with this child before you called the station.

[Gonna do a little Group Chat message portion]

(Y/Screen name): Guys, you'll never guess what happened after we left the bar!

(Slippery Soap 🧼): Y'all got robbed?

($$$$): Don't tell me that tall guy dumped you, whatever his name is.

(Y/Screen name): Okay, no you both are wrong. We found a kid, don't know where its parent's are.

($$$$): This isn't a cover up for it actually being your kid?

(Slippery Soap 🧼): Wait what, you have a kid?

(Ghost.): Call the police station.

(Y/Screen name): Okay, it's not my kid. I was never pregnant. I want to keep this child though, they're so cute.

(Ghost.): No, call the cops.

(Slippery Soap): Aye? I think I know someone in your proximity that can give you kids.

($$$$): That's inappropriate to say to one of your coworkers, Soap

(Y/Screen name): Yeah, I'm out of here because you said that.

(Ghost.): That guy who speaks German is near her?

(Slippery Soap 🧼): They live together you dumb Muppet. Why do you think they come into work in the same car?

(Ghost.): Don't open your windows tonight.

($$$$): Go take care of your kid problem (Y/N).

(Y/Screen name): Yes sir. Good luck Soap!


You looked down at the child who had now climbed into your lap, snuggling close to your chest as they slept. You lowered the TV volume and held them close to you as you stood up, you tried your best to keep them from moving as you carried them to your bedroom.

"König, can you call the non-emergency line. Lets get this kid back home. I bet their parent's are having a heart attack right now."

He looked up from his side of the bed and nodded, picking up his phone and stepping out of the room to make the call. You gave him a quick kiss as he left the room, you set the child down on you bed and watched as they snuggled into your pillows and blankets.

It warmed your heart to see a child sleeping so peacefully, maybe one day you would be able to have one of your own. God this kid was giving you baby fever.

"You look like a creep."

You looked over at the door and rolled your eyes, turning around and putting your hands up.

"I'm sorry, their just so cute" 

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