Grade 2

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Grade 2 I walk through the back door of my school and get hugged by my best friend Emma she had came in the middle of grade one and she has been my friend ever since. Like usual I Hated school but who doesn't right it's school. So once we got into our classes it was like always new people and we were in the same class. We always were. So through out the year our friendship was always strong and growing, we played with our imaginary friends but I was always thinking this is stupid  but I played along because that was the person I was. I was a follower. Most of the things that year was influenced by her. She was bossy and pushed me around saying that everything I said was idiotic, but of coarse she was the only friend I had at the time.

Ya you probably think she's a bitch and she was but I was an idiot to not see that at that point.

The whole year went like that until another girl came into the picture... Rebecca. she was calm and cool but followed in Emma's foot prints by taking advantage of me telling what to do and even telling Emma what to do. I went a long with it. I remember one day when I went to rebecca's house and it was just the beginning of spring, it was still cold but yet warm. I wanted to go in the pool outside but they shot my idea down, but this time I did what I wanted to, I was getting a voice, a very small voice.

I jumped into the pool and laughed at the cold water but they still stood on the outside of the pool scowling at me because I didn't listen to them. Of coarse me and my following ways got out and followed them to an empty room to play musical chairs for prizes that I never won because they would push me off the chair... And I would let them.

You would probably call me an idiot but I would to to I'm with you. But yet again I can't go back in time.

That night they wanted to sleep in a tent and we did till they got scared of coyotes outside in the woods. So we slept in her bed indoors. You would have thought I would have slept that night. Wrong I had to sleep on the floor under a blanket but the thing was they had hardwood floors, and a dog. The worst thing was they would not let me call my mom the only way out of that house would have been for me to run away. 

That was the worst sleep over I had ever had.

I had also had a weight problem, I was always bigger then other girls and I always new it. That just mad everything harder as I went into the other grades. But this chapter is all about Grade 2.

After that I had gone to Emma's many times after that and most of the time at night I would never sleep. Just because I knew she was there all peaceful. She would never come over to my house even if I asked her to. She missed many of my birthdays...

You think having your best friend not show up at your birthday hurts you haven't felt anything yet, it gets worse.


sorry its short but I really cant remember much from grade 2 and yes this story is real.

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