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(Being sick sucks---but now I'm back, just in time for things to start twisting and turning. And I'm conflicted on how I'll end it, but that's a future problem for the future me to handle)
(Also fluff!! In a yandere fic? Can't be good)

It's been two days, maybe could've already been a week, Shuichi was paranoid at this point. Every once in a while he would hear light banging and footsteps from the walls which made things much worse.

All day was the same with no sign of changing, he wasn't alone as Kokichi came in to the rescue but he definitely was starting to feel lonely. He missed his friends, he was always an introvert but it was kinda nice knowing he wasn't alone anywhere he was at.

But now it felt like him and Kokichi were the only people on Earth.

Just the two of them.

"You look like you're dying."

Kokichi spoke up when Shuichi was starting to fall asleep at the dinner table, it's the afternoon as the sky was already getting darker.

"Feels like it..."

"Don't say that, you've been acting like this for a while. You don't have to worry about anything, I'll protect you."

"That's reassuring, but it's like an instinct."


"You know, like a gut feeling? I'm on high alert all the time and it's pretty tiring."

"You can relax Shuichi, I promise if anything happens I'll defend you to my fullest ability."

"I wish I could, but my brain is not listening to my body. It feels eerie and I feel I'm going to get hurt, or even killed."


Kokichi fell silent and continue to eat his lunch, Shuichi tried his best to keep his eyes open. Lunch was pretty awkward after the conversation, both not making eye contact or spoken since.

Kokichi began cleaning up after he was done, Shuichi stayed in his seat as his legs felt weak. He also was beginning to feel tired all the time, the situation was bad for his mental health.

"...Just know I'm here, not like I can go anywhere anyway. Heh."

Again Kokichi tried to make things positive.

"I wish I was like you."


"You always keep that smile up, trying to make the most of anything. You're very admirable Kokichi, I'm glad I met you."

"T-That's unexpected but thank you, I'm also glad I met you Shuichi."

"I suppose fate made us meet each other."

"Yeah...fate definitely found a way."

Before Shuichi knew it he fell asleep, Kokichi tried to be quiet as to not wake him up. Continuing to tidy things up he stole glances the Shuichi, his face was calm and relaxed. A nice change before it was cautious and even frightened at times.

Instinct huh? You're smart Shuichi, I like that.

It was noon, Shuichi woke up on the couch with Kokichi quietly humming a lullaby. Thing is Shuichi was laying on Kokichi's lap, with his hair being played by Kokichi. Shuichi panicked and squirmed.

"Hm, you're awake. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"N-No, I woke up on my own. B-But why are we in this position?"

"Oh, I was trying to soothe you. I don't like seeing you so nervous and frowning, what I do like is seeing you smile."

"T-This is don't have to do this, I was just restless."

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